
Dear First 5,

I've never been in a convenience mood in my life.
And now I know why.

I'm totally on board. It would be the most watched Telethon ever.

Also has the lyrics 'hands in the air, like we don't care' (TBH, that's as far as I could get). Can't fault that as musical genius goes either.

Now I've got all sorts of creepy gekko tongue imagery in my mind.

Thanks, good (if worrying) to know :S

Well, this is going to do wonders for all the already-reluctant menfolk out there. THANKS, DOUGLAS.

"Angelina Jolie was born to whittle men..."

Well, this is all I have to contribute on the matter:

This annoys me so much when they have to close YouTube comments because of juvenile dicks. The same thing happens on any of the fascinating, well-informed Feminist Frequency vids put up by Anita Sarkeesian. You can't have any kind of healthy debate without things descending into keyboard-mashing idiocy.

Your Cheerios-protected heart.

Ugh. All those poor women being fooled into thinking he's not an arsehole. I will definitely be more cautious about ovary-led decisions in future.

Bit of a sidenote, but this is something that repeatedly bugs me, and is mentioned by Hinds - the amount of men who freely (sometimes even proudly) admit that they've only become feminists after fathering girls.

What the heck is that about?

Your own mother/sister/mother of your child/female friends or colleagues didn't

'...the witty foppishness of our British forebears'

I don't know where this ridiculous misinformation came from, but as a Brit, I, for one BLARGHARG.

Because it takes a lot of investment to make that level of privilege to look 'bleak'.

Breaks one's gold-plated, Swarovski-encrusted heart.

I dunno about punching them in the face. Hitting them with banjos though...

Sorry, you need more verbose, hipstery buzz-word full reasoning, otherwise no yarn for you!

Now playing

G'damn Zach Braff for introducing this level of 'acceptable' celebrity greed to Kickstarter and the like. Fund your own vanity projects you wealthy jerkfaces!

Well that so nearly seemed admirable...except for calling out someone for stupidity whilst demonstrating her own inability to use commas, spell 'drought', use the word 'forcibly' or capitalizations correctly. Least she's not self-absorbed I suppose.