
So an acquaintance of mine is the product of VERY progressive (like, ahead-of-their-time liberal) parents, his brother and sister are staunch liberals ... and he became a Glen Beck spouting right-wing conservative who married his secretary who he continues to treat like his secretary.

Describes my brother exactly, sadly. I was expected to clean everything but he was always off the hook after the tiny yard was mowed. I reacted by saying "FUCK THIS, EVERYONE!" and evolving into a filthy little feminist—with an immaculate apartment full of birth control, sex toys, and hand-sewn menstrual pads. He

I would really want to see what they say about girls with all brothers. Does it make them godless liberal sluts who are more likely to rebel against their parents?

Hah! I know anecdotes do not equal evidence, but in my house, growing up the only boy between an older and younger sister meant that even joking that they should go do "women's work" usually led to me doing all the dishes by myself while sporting any number of bruises.

You are not alone. Bridesmaids stank (but I do appreciate that it produced a great "are you fucking kidding me?" gif).

So... is this actually really fucking funny, or is it more like Bridesmaids "We must all find this really fucking funny because it is IMPORTANT for WOMEN" funny?

This would be much better coming out of Danny Trejo's mouth scripted by Rob Zombie.

"Taylor Swift is the whorish face of doomed America."

That is a gorgeous comic line though. I think a fun game would be "Dialogue from a Will Ferrel movie OR Things Said By Westboro Nutbag?"

"...warble about fornication."

Well clearly, because men just can't help themselves. Men want to fuck 24/7 and women only kinda sorta wanna fuck some of the time. Since they're the ones closer to never wanting to fuck, the onus is on them to keep us all in line. Obviously :-\

I think they like sign-making. And every third verse in the Bible... except Psalms and, like, that whole last half.

B-but if the ladies all stop fornicating en masse, then won't the men be left to fornicate with each other?!

mostly, he has an anger management problem. he's been outspoken about gay rights for years, i think he was just in an emotional situation and being a dick, which he loves to do.

"In a newspaper filled with vicious attacks on immigrants, Muslims, blacks and gays, the one thing that really pisses people off is some girl's knockers on page 3?"

Page 3 is like a sexist dinosaur from the Seventies, patting you on the ass and telling you to fetch a coffee ('there's a good girl'). It needs to be put out to pasture. I realise the builders of UK would suffer terribly, not being able to exclaim 'Cor, look at the tits on that' to their colleagues but that's a small

So essentially her?

Ugh. Please don't let my mother see this "study". She spent an hour yesterday haranguing me about how she was going to "mentor" my middle child because "SOMEONE" needs to make Middle Kid feel special and she doesn't get enough recognition/love/praise (she does), and we allow Eldest to pick on her (we don't). Which

Ugh. Sucks. Someone paying for your trip doesn't allow for their spawn to break your stuff. I'm with you, I would have said something. I'm very much against the hand-wringing, let's-not-speak-up-when-something's-clearly-wrong-because-I'm-scared-of-conflict mentality.