
Wasn't Articuno originally found in an Icey-Cave and Zappados in the Factory type setting? not that it really matters but yeah.

My question would be you are producing X amount of discs, wouldn't you plan for that X amount of players? I guess though I'm speaking from the day and age when it was Disc only and not Downloadable Digital Format as well.

Also, the one canon looks like a TANK!!!!!!! That thing looks more powerful then his original two cannons!

we waste tax dollars for them not to too. Either way they are getting paid.

What I don't get is people get upset over a WEBCOMIC over rape but then it seems half of the whole USA loves Game of Thrones where there is Rape, Incest, Murder, Death, and so much more going on. Really guys? Seriously? This was a joke, the response was poor, but they obviously felt that people were being harsher than

I played Bioshock Infinite for the first time and it actually sort of fit with Labor day and the whole meaning behind the holiday oddly enough.

He's actually not wrong and Nintendo didn't use 3DDS ONLY because of Branding because of the DS being already branded with Nintendo it is far cheaper to add just a number than a number and a letter for branding. I'm pretty sure DS was Developer System or Dual Screen (both branding terms 1 for developers the OTHER for

Ya, that's one of the reasons I'm also excited for Witcher 3 is that I can remote play it on Vita, at least it's been reported that CD ProjectRed is making it remote play. I'm hoping Rockstar is secretly making Arkham City's sequel and that it'll be on Next Gen next year or the year after.

Nothing mentioned yet, but if they did I'd bet there would be for 3DS and Wii U as well. Here's hoping some sortof thing happens, heck even if it's just a skin. Nothing announced though yet. On a side note: I really wish they would allow playing Origins on Vita through remote. Even if you had to buy the vita game to

In history of Bat's he goes to Blackgate first and after escaping there Arkham wants to study him the next time he gets back. It takes awhile in every Batman reboot for Joker to actually make his home in Arkham so it makes sense if, Arkham Origins, is his first battle with Batman like I have been predicting.

Witcher 2 lets you use an xbox 360 controller if you want. It makes everything better. Witcher 1 you either quit before the swamp and never fully enjoy it or, you finally get past the swamp and realize it's an amazing game. (It takes more work then other games.) I first disliked the controls of Witcher 1 and then

Witcher 3 is one of my main reasons to get Next-Gen, then finding out DA:I was coming out too on it I was overjoyed. This will be the first time I jump into a home console at launch, usually I wait a year or two. Here's hoping ESO becomes free to play by the time I finish both of these bad boys because right now I'll

Batman: Arkham Origins

I actually wondered if they studied how many girls play GTA games and if there was like 1% they decided it's okay not to have them? Honestly, I'm not quite sure. I think it'd be great as a guy to see a crime game from a girl's perspective. Maybe the next GTA should be a girl and guy couple doing crime? I do remember

headaches? I play it with the 3D on always, but listen, I play for a half hour and then quit for awhile. It says that in the opening don't overdue the amount of time playing this in 3D, of course your eyes will hurt and you'll get headaches. That's why 3D movies use 3D but often will flatten the image in softer scenes

Same here or getting first party support? from Quantic Dream or Naughty Dog (first party as sony exclusives go) and third party support for games like Arkham (I know they are making one but the system can definitely support a game more like Arkham City) and The Witcher. I heard Witcher 3 will be playable remotely

yeah... Mass Effect is something I don't talk about anymore. Ouch. The rover missions in 1. Lost a lot of good hours.

age 30ish? It's only 10 years (plus a few more so maybe 13 since origins?) and Alistair is still alive both in DA 2 and the recent graphic novel series and he drank the blight way before the Warden. The Warden will be alive.

buy the third one at Gamestop of xbox 360 or ps3? by then it'd be like 8 bucks or less.... (I'm assuming your getting it for next Gen like I probably will.)

If they really cared and took the effort to localize it for us, they would have made a physical copy. This is just a cheap shot. There is no guarantee either way if you buy it or not that they will localize more. If they are lazy about finding out why it doesn't sell when the press is talking about said boycott and