
It's even just flipping the back image to make that white outline.

I was 9 when I played Gen 1 and really late into getting Pokemon so by the time Gen 2 came out I was just 10? It was mid/late elementary school. Honestly it's not nostalgia. I just am turned off by the art. (Artist/Creative Mind here) Some of the newer designs just look flat. There are some pretty cool Pokemon in

His idea brought mine to thinking One plays Gannon and the other Link. Now that could be fun!

I think it's because Gen 5 had MORE inanimate object Pokemon. I must say though, I personaly felt it the designs weren't great. It was lacking something from Gen 1 and 2 which made me love it. Gen 4 had some of it but since 3....there hasn't been much chemistry with me and Pokemon. I'll play them but it wasn't like

Gen 2 was awesome for me they felt somewhat less familiar and somewhat more in other cases. At that point I felt Pokemon was perfect. They have added some each Gen that I like but honestly 252 was pretty good stopping point for me. Although this coming Gen is starting to get me more interested in Pokemon again. I'm

and let his Pokemon go free once they got strong.

yeah and calling in pranks would be the same as tweets, you get either arrested or fined. Depending on how severe and what you are saying in the prank....

I've seen and heard stories where people actually tweet this stuff and tag the police in it and it actually helps solve a crime.... so..... sometimes it's not for fame.

anyone see the clip after the credits? looking forward to that film being made!!!

Badly! Can't wait! I also want the Witcher 3 to be able for Pre-order. Since I found out about it before even next-gen was announced fully I wanted it!

I'm excited for this generation. Have fun a week early Xbox Friends I'll be waiting for the PS4. Can't wait! What I wanna know is when is Witcher 3 out? When can I preorder it? (Signed up on their website to be emailed when it's available but I want to know!!) That game's announcement from last winter was what got me

The Media, teaching people once again that it's okay to blame someone or something else for our actions...... Sigh.

So he didn't really speed run the game, he just cheated using glitches and stuff.

Everything is open to you right away in this game, that is one of the changes from the other GTAs.

Same Here. That game was fun and hard work. I just don't think it needs to be remade....

Okay, regardless they have to HAVE to ask a cease and desist. If Square didn't they can legally lose copyright and trademark on Final Fantasy. What people tend NOT to know about the law is that if you don't protect your copy/trademark you lose it! That's part of the deal of having one. So that's why every time someone

Historically back then they believed it was okay. Maybe people just need to be educated in today's world that smoking is bad instead of censorship of media that is doing a historical piece. If you allow censorship of one thing then people have opinions on censorship of another thing.

1. Not ALL cartoons or what I'd prefer to call them animations are historical pieces. This film IS a HISTORICAL piece. Therefore it is okay for it to have historical representation of smoking back then. Also I have read before that the cartoon was more geared towards adults this time around because they would know

"Censoring stuff is the most effective way to kill off something; and smoking deserves to be killed off." Who is to decide what is worthy of being "killed off" exactly? When would it end? Yeah, Censorship is basically brainwashing people then huh? No thanks.

like that makes sense......