
For many reasons.

I hope his aunt is ok and getting the support and help she needs.

He sucks but that situation is awful and must have been terrifying for the poor woman.

I feel bad for his aunt.

No, originally we were told (by his uncle) that his parents had bought him a gun as a gift. The uncle wasn’t sure if it was the same gun or not.

I am having an opposite experience, the hate comes easily.

I am not.

Did it need so much ceremony? Take the bastard down in the middle of night under the cover of darkness. Tell no one the date and have it be a surprise in the morning.

Right there with you, as soon as I heard it was happening in broad daylight I knew this shit would be full of traitorous pomp and circumstance. Assholes.

I don’t understand this video. Is the video of the flag actually being taken down? Or just like... marching?

This is awesome, but I’m concerned that people will be like “We’re done now!” It’s a symbolic victory, but we haven’t really even scratched the surface on addressing the racism inherent in our society. I really hope we’re not going to need another dead black man or shot-up church to keep the conversation going.

Either way, South Carolina’s confederate flag has been removed and it’s a shame that it took the violent murders of the Emanuel Nine by Dylann Roof to make this kind of progress.

It pisses me off that there’s a ceremony to take that shit down. Just take it down, put it in the museum, move on. The Confederacy was traitorous and they lost the war, you goddamned morons.

More like DIShonor guard.

Yes! It magically turned brown with toxins. As opposed to, you know, just pulling the dirt off of your gross gullible feet.

When I hear “TOXINS” I be like

I hope he draws a picture of a toxin next.

You could buy several of me for a trillion dollars.

This is the same guy.