
That won't help any future victims unless they're at the pool. Tattooing "Rapist" on his forehead might be better.

That's the most messed up part. If he thought she wanted it, then found out she didn't, shouldn't he be feeling sick and disgusted with himself. He just found out he's a rapist, it should bother him enough that he'd be willing to face justice just to make amends and ease some of the guilt he feels. But it's pretty

Every time I read about an assault there is always a list of previous assaults. I don't know what the statistics are on rape and repeat offenders, but it seems pretty high because of that. It's horrifying that rapists usually only serve a few years, if they're convicted at all.

I remember when I was 12 my mom and I invited her friend Jen to go to the movies with us, she came back and said that her husband had said no. My mind was completely blown, I couldn't wrap it around the thought that a grown woman needed permission to go someplace. I'd only ever known women like my mom who would say

What's sad is you're still on the subject when it's already been shown to be a failed insult.

Spoken like someone who can't form a rational response! It's okay though, I'm sure the delivery man appreciates your rabid defense, you've changed his life I bet. You're a hero! Spoiler alert: They wouldn't be friends if they grit their teeth through my company. If you're going to insult someone at least try to make

You're a fucking idiot for thinking this is how the world works. It doesn't matter how the postal system functions behind closed doors, this man was out in the open flinging packages around. The company fired him because not only was he doing his job wrong but he was doing it wrong in public. He deserved to be fired

It doesn't matter what was in the fucking box. It is her package and he's being paid to deliver it. He should do his job properly. It also doesn't matter how cool you think his throw was, it doesn't justify him being lazy on the job.

No. When you hire someone to deliver your package you have every right to expect them to do the job right. It doesn't matter what was in the package, he deserved to be fired.

Guess he should have done his job properly.

Nobody said they were special. Nobody said their package was special. But when you pay someone to deliver that package you have every right to be angry when they don't do their job properly.

So he's a master of manipulation?

I'm from the Midwest, I had no idea what it meant.

I don't understand it. Is 134th street a bad part of town or something?

Did you make a big show about letting them know you were praying for them? If not then congratulations on being a decent person. If so then you're more awful than you're letting yourself admit.

Because "I'll pray for you" doesn't actually mean "I'll pray for your health, safety, peace etc" it's a passive-aggressive way of saying "Fuck you, I'm above you."

Wow, what is going on there? I assume he just got some bad news?

That's my main problem with it too. It's a little creepy.

If he wanted to take them to a sports themed restaurant, he would take them to a sports themed restaurant and be willing to change venues if a parent said something. The fact that he's taking them to a place that relies on the advertisement of it's skimpy dressed women as well as the fact that he was unwilling to pick

I think the trauma part comes in with the fact that it's their coach taking them. If a middle schooler went in with a group of his friends or with his parent that would be different. But it seems kind of creepy and off for the coach to be so insistent on taking the boys there.