
OK, me first. Do not take Ultium if you are allergic to Ultium. If you have had problems tolerating  Stellantis, consult your health care professional prior to beginning Ultium.

They would need a lot more processing power than is currently available to attempt that.

Pretty sure there’s only one true statement on that shirt.  As for the rest..

Once in third grade, my father off-handedly mentioned that under the Constitution, we didn’t actually have to stand up and do the Pledge of Allegiance. So me being the third grade dink that I was, the next day I stayed seated for the Pledge at my local private school, and was promptly sent to the pastor and the

Being the innocent that I am, for a few seconds I thought this was some funky mangled U-joint.

That reminds of the guy who passed me on the North Central Expressway in Dallas. He was riding a motorcycle, doing about 65, and DOING A WHEELIE. It was the coolest and stupidest thing I’d ever seen. I too wanted to shake his hand, and then punch him in the mouth.

Well....watching bullriding isn’t exactly the same drama as being the bullrider. But as an LR owner, you are definitely riding that bull, so hats off to you.

I’ll see you your Speedster and raise you my Spitfire.

I agree, also that does not look like a Series III. All the body panels are the same colour, it has no dents, (mine has not got an undented bit) and some of it is shiny. So, I am unconvinced.

When I bought my 1980 Triumph Spitfire, I came across plenty of incriminating data crammed behind the cardboard parts of the glove compartment. None of it was encrypted.

And somewhere in Michigan, David Tracy’s nipples get hard....

Good one.

That’s why I’d prefer not to own anything newer than a Series III Landy.

Perhaps, but this is still the finest DeMuro related contribution:

If I couldn’t see the front grille or make out the badges, I would easily mistake it for a Hyundai. And not to trash Hyundai at all, but nothing about this car screams premium Euro-ride.

A ‘65 isn’t a Defender, it’ll be a series IIa; one of the predecessors.

I DD a Land Rover. Can confirm. 

I always have a giggle when people move to Houston from the NE and haven’t yet fully grasped the expanses between cities here. Once, a couple that just moved in from CT told me that they were going to take a “day trip” to Dallas (we were on the SW side of Houston). You should have seen their faces when I explained

Here you go!