The new livery should be scrapped because he is f*cking traitor, but I’ll accept this excuse.
The new livery should be scrapped because he is f*cking traitor, but I’ll accept this excuse.
Beautiful and enticing car. The company I worked for as a junior in the late 80's had the Maserati account.
I think I like the look of this more than the Buzz. I’ll duck now.
“They’re not sending their best”
I’m amazed no MuskFluffers commented yet, and it’s been more than 30 minutes since posting !
This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.
This rig was in a war 72 years ago, has a tree growing thorough it and it’s still in better shape than the Jeep FC you found in Washington state.
for 10k and no rust, that’s NP for someone. The GTV is one of two cars that made me fall in love with cars. 1978 worked a summer camp and one of the leaders had one in red. Still distinctly remember sitting in it. The other was a friend’s 2002. When you consider what American cars were like then, those two were a…
So you don’t have to start vaping
It’s about the same size as the Euro Tiguan. The US Tiguan is actually the Tiguan Allspace in Europe. Instead of just bringing the shorter Tiguan to the US, they brought a whole new nameplate.
Below tiguan. This is supposed to be about the size of the old tiguan before it grew
Meanwhile in Canada
God I need those ... seriously, I need those.
To be fair, not every light on the BMW’s dash is illuminated.
Here is your star for the Jalopnik Christrust Special.
Yup, I’m too much of a coward to take a Land Rover up Imogene Pass.
G’day, Freund!
Mark Fenske was also the voice over the President Reagan “Bear in the Woods” commercial about Russia.