The world revolves around big trucks, that are used to haul things around the world, not soccer moms and hockey dads only taking a big truck to the grocery store and the only thing that ever sits in the bed of the truck is fallen leaves and garbage.
The world revolves around big trucks, that are used to haul things around the world, not soccer moms and hockey dads only taking a big truck to the grocery store and the only thing that ever sits in the bed of the truck is fallen leaves and garbage.
What if they made some alliance with other manufacturers that weren’t doing well, maybe Renault and Mitsubishi for example?
The only solution I see at this point, is for Nissan to merge with Stellantis.
That’s what companies are always telling me is the best solution for cOnSuMeRs.
It doesn’t need to be said that Doug Ford is an absolute idiot, but it’s always worth saying.
Someone call Big Daddy Doug, this this is just one GIANT quirk and feature
If I ever get around to writing a history of GM, it would probably be entitled “....and then GM fucked it up.”
Do you know how I know “Thoughts and Prayers” does fuck all? This motherfucker is still above ground.
♫ You load 16 tons, what do you get ♫
The Hino Samurai. Few people know that the Japanese truck maker even made passenger cars for a brief while, much less built a race car. And what a race car. It was designed by Pete Brock, and was so fast that Toyota leaned on race officials to change the rulebook to kill its racing career in its infancy.
Even here in Sweden i would say the 1963 SAAB 92h is quite obscure. I remember reading about it in a classic car magazine as a kid and falling in love with the thing. it is basically a Saab 92 with a caravan body ontop. production numbers are 1. then there is a 1965 SAAB 95h that is the same thing once again but now…
Probably got the Bolivian stuff too, if you ask correctly!
And they have mexican coke, to boot.
Nothing a little antibiotics won’t solve.
Isn’t this Tesla just embracing the newfangled viral trend of raw-dogging it? Weather protection is for sissies, pfff...