
You think that’s bad? You can get the potentially deadly C. Difficile from touching the drive mode knob. And that’s when you already have an STI!

That show had so much potential before all that Cro-Magg nonsense...

In the cars universe, South America is full of antique Mercedes Limousines

No I saw it. I didn’t want to, but I saw that man JD Vance have unprotected penetrative intercourse with an eight piece sectional, while wearing a wig and women’s clothing. There was also kissing.

Chelsea Handler in part of her response to Vance’s “childless cat-ladies” comment:

I heard she’s the reason they stopped making eight tracks. #VeryTrumpFacts

She’s the reason we no longer have Packard or Rambler. She killed Gommora and Black Widow. It’s because of HER that you have to pay extra to get a combo burrito at Taco Bell. My dog use to be happy until she saw Kamala call Donald Trump a poppy butt and now she won’t eat. She makes to sun go away every day at 7pm. I

Got charged $20k more than when I ordered it, the software bricked 5 miles after picking it, up, and they said whatever the problem is isn’t covered under warranty...

I hope, when he finally does debut his Robotaxi, it’s being driven by a guy in the spandex robot suit. 

“I was talking to a car company executive. Big guy. Tough guy. And he came to me. Tears in his eyes. Crying like a baby. Sir, he said. Sir please take away the electric. We’re trying to do gas. We like the gas. Gas is good. So the battery. Wind! And the military. Oh. The planes are gas. No electric for the planes. Can

Now playing

There is only one Moonbase Alpha. Thank you.

Lot of shark attacks lately, notice that?

“If Electric is so good, how come people have such trouble with Battery? AA, AAA, C, bing bong bing, if Battery good, how come you have have to charge them, charge them, they charge too much for a battery. I went, I went to the store for Battery, and when I saw Price, I said, I said, I said ‘Price too much!’ Battery

I’m always on the lookout for a clean well priced Mangusta. I look at these as the better executed version of a Chrysler TC. Ford running gear without Ford taking the reins and developing the vehicle to be Ford money pit.

“Sprinkle some crack on him, let’s get outta here”

I’m gonna take a wild guess that he immediately jumped out of his car, drew his gun, and cuffed the kid’s lifeless body. And then maybe even asked “do you know why I pulled you over today?”

Assuming they’re going to hit the angle of reentry are you?

Well, I never doubted it can return to earth. I just wondered where it would land and in how many pieces.

Based on the vast catalogs of baubles, bolt-ons, and other merch, Jeeps are the Harleys of the four-wheeled world.

The wrangler exists in a wierd state in which it deserves 100 percent of the love it gets, and 100 percent of the hate. It was divisive LONG before the Cybertruck was a thing!