
I get really tired of people throwing “unconstitutional” around to mean “things I don’t like”.

I don’t understand this move at all. You guys won GTFO of here.

This is the HR person saying nice things after she explains COBRA.

I’m confused, I thought we were all saying Merry Christmas now? This is just another one of his LIES, isn’t it?? LIESSSSSSS.

“Jones is a puppet.” “Moore will always vote with us.” Cognitive dissonance at its absolute apex.

I am sure that Philadelphia already has a battery of ideas to throw at this scenario.

Just what we need, a rivalry between east coast and west coast crappers

Counter-proposal to your counter-proposal. Stay off my golf course you dirty hippie.

Sisyphus would get at least 60% of the vote in most southern states.

Hey everyone. The Jags are doing well, but how are you doing? How’s your mother? I sent you cookies in the mail, they should get there any day now.

That would earn a flag for excessive Smoot-ing.

Eh. Now, if he pretended to be a yacht and sailed into an end-zone row of whores....

I find it chilling. A lot of people criticize it for being shallow, but they’re all wet—it’s actually really deep.

Something tells me that ref is gonna make it after all.

On behalf of Mets fans everywhere, I would like to extend a sincere thank you to Mr. Marchman for not filing this look back at Mr. Reiter’s 2017 prediction under LOLMETS.

BROCK N’ ROLL BABY! The trainwreck that just keeps happening. And happening.

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

If he can cultivate widespread distrust in the FBI and CIA among his nutjob supporters and spineless constituents, then the results of their investigations on his illegal activities will be invalid.

I can’t believe I’m saying this because I am a longtime Brit fan and I root for her, but I saw this on my feed and maybe it’s because I’m in a bad mood today, but it came across as thirsty to me and looked like the beginning of a stepmom YouPorn video. Sorry, Britney. I still love you.

the NFL everyone!