
Dude. Clearly the only reason he bought the whole damn contest was to ogle and grope women who were so his type. And ensure that they were more his type, to boot (since he was one of the key judges and all.) It didn’t matter if they won or not as long as he had his ogle’n’grope fest.

It was all about feedin’ the li’l

If not joke, please don’t.
Thanks. <3

Where is
Ha ha?
You ARE joking, right?

...Finding this rather alarming....
...Suicide jokes aren’t as funny as they used to be since people I know killed themselves....
...Please be joking, dude...

That is freaky.

Anya was too good for Xander, IMO.

I always wondered why the alternative to Leave wasn’t Stay.

I am not checking *that.*
You check.

What, only a little? I’ve got LOTS of schadenfreude going on here.
A schadenfreude party going on for the Trump brand sinking like the stone it deserves to. :D
Hoist by his own petard. Richly petarded. Mwah ha ha!

I’m shocked, shocked!

Boo. Frickin’. Hoo. Somebody call the WAHmbulance.

Well, they were about to have a nice Jose’ Andres restaurant (the man creates excellent restaurants,) but then Trump went and made his famous “Mexicans are rapists” opening salvo. Jose’ Andres was out of there like a flash of lightning. So now they have Generic Trump Restaurant. The Washington Post has not reviewed it

Ah, sweet homage! <3

Stop and Frisk only works on the other end of the color line.

I love Kitchenette SO MUCH! I also love Indefinitely Wild, Defamer, and Valleywag. Don’t judge me.

This is scientifically accurate.

He’s so orange! That’s like Boehner-level orange!

‘70s era Gene Wilder—all kinds of <3 <3 <3

Has glorious locks and not-terrible beard. Yes. Makes the list.

All kinds of NOPE from me.

That was fun!