I don't know - I think Adrian Peterson is completely delusional. I'm sure part of it is the commission, but the longer this goes on and the more Peterson speaks, it seems like Peterson has some mental issues. He seems like he totally believes that whatever he does is right, regardless, and that everyone should bend to…
As a Browns fan I offer you zero sympathy and hope your team burns in the most fiery way possible.
undead invasion event.
There was this one time back in the early days of WotLK that I decided to do something fun, solo Deadmines. At the time I was a lvl ~23 BElf Pally, and I was bored. So I very slowly made my way through the dungeon and got to the very end of dungeon and defeated Van Cleef and felt a sense of accomplishment. I'll say…
[shakes fist]
You certainly don't have time to watch all of this...
Spontaneous Amnesia brought about by the psychological trauma associated with signing with the Browns? Absolutely, Haslam Syndrome is very real and should be in the DSM.
You mean Cortland Innegan
If you're running the spread offense, I can't imagine anything more spread out that placing your players all over the country on different teams.
Welcome to my early 20's.
These players... hair today, gone tomorrow. :(
In some regards, he's still Head & Shoulders above others in the league.
now imagine a person standing here holding a sifter waiting for a diamond to pop out. This is what trying to find a good mobile game is like.
where can I send my money for more of this
Fighting_Polish, on Hollywood's biggest night, WHO ARE YOU WEARING
I'm really glad I like my parents.
"I think she likes sex already."
So he beat the charges too. Bastard.
On a related note, the real Marshawn Lynch is funnier.