They should make a movie about the Browns draft!!
They should make a movie about the Browns draft!!
You're just a hater. When the Browns are in 1th place let's see you run your mouth then!
So you're saying they're 2 more regime changes away from being decent?
Pretty sure that's the biggest reason they ditched Chud, too.
They're not eligible to be forced to appear, but any team can volunteer. And let's be realistic: the Browns won't be slightly above average for at least 3 more years.
26. Yang
Derek Jeter promptly quits team
Yeah, I just reread that. I'll shut up.
As someone who played the formerly respectable sport of lacrosse, it pains me to see this shit appear as a "highlight." Full-field goals like this will happen, usually at the high school level, usually scattered across various pulsating sores of this country we call suburbia, and usually with kids still learning how…
Something is certainly being violated.
Disney's handling of Infinity is pretty moronic. They cherry pick from a few franchises (one of which is Lone Ranger, for who the fuck knows what reasons), deliver a drivel of new characters to stores and then deliver characters that don't even have full worlds and gameplay built around them despite being rife with…
My god man, you do realize some kid—who wasn't internetting back when it first came out—is going to experience goatse without supervision by googling it and will be scarred for life. IRRESPONSIBLE GOATSE DROP!
sorry =(
goatse moolator.
Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.
The most amazing part of this is that we're living in a world where the President of the United States can make a joke referencing a (formerly) B-list Marvel Comics character and everyone in the audience is right there with him.
Dear fundamentalist crazy people,