oh man, Supernatural did several but my favorite has to be Changing Channels aka dafuq are they in a sitcom?! What is this opening?!?! What is happening?!?!?!?!?
You're still danger... (BURP) excuse me. You're still dangerous, Maverick.
Didn't they already make this movie?
My god man, you do realize some kid—who wasn't internetting back when it first came out—is going to experience goatse without supervision by googling it and will be scarred for life. IRRESPONSIBLE GOATSE DROP!
sorry =(
goatse moolator.
Do I vote for the one with wizards and swords, or do I vote for Lord of the Rings?
On that note that means there is also a possible universe where batman is real. I want to move there when I retire.
... breathed new life indeed ... over and over again.
ZUKO! From having his sole purpose in life be killing the Avatar,
Fat Apollo for life. It was interesting character development, until they made him lose all of the weight and regain his cut physique in one episode, ugh.
Hmm. Annoyed at how well animated the turtles look. Grudging respect.
Sorry, couldn't resist....
Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.