
not a cliffhanger, but I definitely got to the point where I was like, "okay, there's only a few pages left and there's a shitload to wrap up here..." and then she did wrap it all up in those last few pages, horribly and in an incredibly rushed fashion, which basically negated or contradicted most of what was so

Yes... one episode that's 7 hours too long...

It's a batman vs superman vs wonder woman vs maybe flash vs possibly aquadude movie... they used to have a comic series with all those characters in it - can't remember what it was called though. fantastic 5?

I do hope they manage to come up with the right balance between dark and light for Capaldi's Doctor.

Still watching through Arrow, I've had the same problem with Laurel's character. Thankfully, any time there's a scene with Felcity, it's like a soothing balm, and it helps that the rest of the cast is also pretty good imo.

Technomancy as a discipline is related to the art of producing amazing effects and illusions through the use of technical assistance. It derives from the Latin word "technicus" or technique (same root as technology) and the Greek word "manteia" which refers to predicting the future, but has come to be the general

Come on, guys, let's try to look at the positives here. For instance, Switzerland:


Cas from Supernatural. Watching him try to understand humans and their motivations, reactions, and habits teaches us a lot about humanity. Also how many characters actually show us just how much people learn from the pizza man?

Is this even a question?

Well, yeah, you could. Yeah, you could do that, of course you could. But why? Look at these people: these human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet, and blinking step into the sun. There is more to see than can ever be seen. More to do than - no, hold on... Sorry, that's the 'Lion

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."


This one is up there.

Good show!

A certain amount of affected self-loathing has become fashionable here in the US.

Some of us are assholes. Some of us are not.

My first feels from a video game were from The Legend of the Dragoon. I must say that this game is hated on far too much. For some reason, I always get the same snarling look whenever I say it's my personal favorite JRPG on PS1

The only reason I pay for 3D in a Pixar movie. The glasses hide my salty tears.