
Saturday, October 13, 2001. The witching hour. A nervous and sweaty Bill Belichick shuffles cautiously into the intersection between two dirt roads in rural Massachusetts. In his hand is a small tin box containing a lock of his hair, a chicken foot, the bone from a cat’s paw and a sachel of herbs. On the inside lid of

Oh, he is going to kill the fuck out of those guys.

That Liberty Bell scene was exactly where I got on-board with the show. I found myself saying, “That would never happen on TWD.” And then I realized that was a good thing. I mean, yes an undead apocalypse would be terrible and gory and dark. But also there would be people doing their best to make a life of it, and

Pretty sure Rick’s murdered some kittens on the show, hasn’t he? I mean, I stopped watching about midway through last season but the scenario where he had to kill them so walkers wouldn’t find them based on their adorable little meows had to have happened, right?

A show so nice, I’ll post the gif twice.

So happy to see more of Z Nation. Lots of great zombie kills, also everything is not always terrible like that other zombie show.

I really respect them for trying to cut costs by having the director/writer/producer/key grip/caterer/best boy/intern edit the trailer as well. Outstanding frugality, Hollywood.

But... but... but... how will he make it rain underwater???

I will never stop loving when people dislike these movies.

One might even say they are headed... into darkness.

I’ll see myself out.

To be fair...

Both of them share the same fundamental beliefs... and have come to entirely different conclusions....

Marvel’s a business! It has needs!

The problem is the courts. They always automatically that Marvel is the bad guy when it’s just trying its best to get by. Wasn’t Marvel there for Kl’rt’s birthday? WASN’T IT, KAREN?!?

Sorry. Slipped at the end, there.

I didn’t know you could fit a marriage in a Jansport. I must speak with my wife immediately.

My ideal is that they get more money but second film is as low-key as the first one. Then they tack on a gratuitously-high-budget superfluous post-credits SFX explosion sequence that Deadpool narrates using lines like “shooting our wad”. That would be great.

You make a salient point. I would be willing to listen to more, or perhaps read a brochure.

“There’s a party on the roof!”


No. The only teacher they should have should be Magneto, so they can constantly sneak out on him and slowly drive him back to villainy.