
Do you want to go back to the days of only heavily edited trailers to judge games by?

You’re watching the wrong streamers then. 

This. As if most streamers weren’t corrupt and self-serving enough already, this is about to send that whole toxic sub-industry right over the edge.

That would probably kill you but yeah I can understand the temptation. :D

That and he is one of those annoying people who went to Japan with the JET Programme and now believes himself an expert on all things Japan. He’s kind of a douche.

necessary to underscore just how awful the game industry and its constituents can be to the average consumer

Man do you not know what the fuck you’re talking about.

You’re jealous he’s getting paid to do what you do for free.

Well considering most of his audience have probably never read a book in their lives, I think that intended point might be moot here.

Well you’re doing a shit job at it.

It amuses me greatly that your original comment has been forced into the greys.

I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

it has jack-all to do with his weight.

And therein lies everything that is wrong with western civilization today. YouTube is a great educational tool but it also has a lot to fucking answer for.

Jealous of what exactly? It doesn’t exactly take a high degree of skill to eat a John Goodman diet and post inflammatory remarks and childish clickbait about game developers on YouTube.

Seriously? No. Not even a little bit. No.

God I despise that man. He’s basically a shit Kim DotCom but without any of the charm, intelligence or ingenuity.

Oh man, I truly love that stuff.

Tbh, you probably shouldn’t. It has a great story and an even better soundtrack but as a modern game is on the verge of being unplayable.

On the plus side those machines also sell warm Van Houten canned cocoa so it’s not all bad.