
I hate to admit but I have totally fallen for this game again. This new version isn’t perfect but Skyrim never was and it must mean something but I have BF1, Gears 4 and a ton of other games from the last 6 months sitting idle but I have sunk hours into a 5 year old RPG this weekend.

It doesn’t seem very well optimised. It looks like a lot of the Bokeh and God Ray effects were dumped straight from Fallout 4 but they don’t look as good as they did in Fallout 4.

That bear. That god damn bear.

NMS has far more than enough game included to justify a $60 price tag 

I didn’t, thank the fuck Christ.

This was essentially an indie game with a small Dev team

I’m usually against account hackers but that is just simply brilliant. While I don’t condone their actions, whoever did this clearly has a sense of humor.

Not true. The 360's hardware was pretty much state of the art at launch and the until the PS4 Sony used complicated custom-designed architectures that lay somewhere between being the result of engineering genius and sheer insanity.

It seems like with this generation they made too many concessions. Both machines have ‘glued together using out of date parts for a quick profit’ written all over them.

I’ve noticed that the Russians are always trying to get people to enter their hacked lobbies as well although I’m not entirely sure what for.

I totally agree with you however it doesn’t really have many solid exclusives to offer IMHO. I have only played 2 so far and I’ve had a PS4 since day 1.

Yes I have played Uncharted and that game was the obvious result of some serious R&D to squeeze every single drop out of the PS4's capability. If it was only a simple taste of things to come then Sony wouldn’t be releasing the PS4's replacement in just over 2 weeks from now.

But let’s not forget that this is a bottom line budget card, designed for use in basic super-budget gaming rigs/home computers/HTPC’s/offices etc. Should those still make a 3 year old console that was designed first and foremost to play games look like a piece of crap?

I’m not being that guy but it’s just a shame that $110 GPU can now make the consoles look like total horse shit.

I would laugh at people who would play The Witcher 3 at 1080p and 37 fps before realising that is the kind of performance that the consoles could only dream of.

Hackers manage to yank you out of the Armored Kuruma, then kill you.

They have shot through my car with a stock pistol before now and I have an Armored Kuruma.

It isn’t even 2 years old on PC and the PC online mode is huge.

I have no problem with them having stolen virtual currency. I do have a problem with them using invulnerability hacks.

It serves them right, the cheating bastards. The only shame is that it took R* this long to sort things out. The hacked lobbies on that game have been blatant for well over a year.