@Dethzilla: Hell yes. I've been waiting for something to drop that could pull me away from Modern Warfare for good.
@Dethzilla: Hell yes. I've been waiting for something to drop that could pull me away from Modern Warfare for good.
@Save me:
@超外人: It'll happen eventually, then we'll start seeing a change in philosophy like we did with Electronic Arts. Activision will come around at some point, and they're going to hurt for their crimes against creativity and developer integrity, just like their competition. It's going to be fun to watch, and I think what…
@Killer Toilet: "The way you passed that ball down the field was completely unbalanced; we only allow running plays. Pitching the ball to other players behind the line of scrimmage is also highly suspect and redefined per MLG event. In fact, we're not even sure linemen are balanced, so we're trying to have them…
@Michael Dukakis: "Guys, how can we strip ourselves down for the most balanced, least fun form of gameplay?"
@Hoot471: Damn... It really does.
@AncientUnknown1: They can keep Robert Bowling. I've never seen someone so dedicated to ignoring the community until the last possible moment, and even then finding some way to complete avoid tackling the major issues in any of his posts or those idiotic "tweets."
@Bayne: I think it's as suggested by an earlier article here on Kotaku, a case of history repeating. Infinity Ward was spawned from an apparent need to get away from overbearing publishers. They really traded one monster (EA) for another (Activision) when Infinity Ward was formed; it just seemed like a pretty sweet…
@enderx: All of my friends will have played it by then, then the whole "Sorry, bro; didn't mean to spoil anything for you" thing starts.
@SlashseveN303: It's just as Nostradamus predicted. "Shit's gonna get whack."
@Digo: Half of them from EA.
@Vavaylah: I think that's something publishers specifically need to understand. Triple-A development teams can still make killer titles even when they're not being forced to repeat the same success every two years. If the name behind the product is good, like Infinity Ward's was coming in to Modern Warfare 2, a new…
Maybe they breached the strict No Spines clause in their contract and tried to revolt against Activision's well-publicized desire to butcher everything good about the Call of Duty series and abuse it annually.
@TheClap: If it produced a billion dollar franchise, Kotick frankly wouldn't give a shit.
Patches? We don't need no stinking patches.
@Ignominus: Giving a nod to Jonathan Gabriel, I'd like to propose that it's the Greater Moviegoer Fuckwad Theory at work in this case.
@Twanzio: The surface area helps with heat dissipation. So remember, girls, getting big breasts could save your lives.
@jsalari: Best non-breast-related post. I think Marvel might try to make a competing character with Energy Bitch, though.
@meshuggahx17: Otherwise several million people will make custom George Foreman grills the most popular web search on Google.
@Knoxximus Kiryu: "You wanna know how I got this error code? Me, too."