Had no idea what screen tearing was until playing Darksiders. It didn't ruin the experience, but it was pretty jarring at times.
Had no idea what screen tearing was until playing Darksiders. It didn't ruin the experience, but it was pretty jarring at times.
@Kovitlac: No, Sony isn't making any money from Halo Legends, but they're supporting the format that affords the greatest experience for this particular video. With how petty the industry figureheads can be, do you really expect Sony to leave alone the fact that Halo's first commercially released video can be viewed…
@Opuelas: It was a primary selling point when the system was first released. I suppose I should have clarified that in the first place.
@Koztah: I've been out of the loop. I better buy up the last of those HD-DVDs and 8-tracks while I can.
@MooglesInMyFace: There is no HD-DVD version of Halo Legends, so the only way to get the (arguably) bestquality experience (something an enormous amount of consumers seem to care about for some reason) is to purchase the Blu-Ray edition.
@Ursus-Veritas: Until the dialogue starts rolling. =P
@MooglesInMyFace: The 360 can't play Blu-Ray movies/games, which was a chief selling point for the PS3.
@Antiterra: I've never been big on PC gaming. As Outkastprince said, I'm used to the feel of the controller, and I also have several friends getting the game the same day, so I assume we'll use an Xbox Live party to chat about it while we go about our adventures.
@SuperSonik: I think the original Halo was the one game I can say I enjoyed regularly on a higher difficulty level. After getting used to Legendary, it didn't feel right playing on any other difficulty.
Warning: Do not operate if your name happens to be John Connor.
@LordMaim: And yet we're managing quite well, aren't we?
From all the hate I'm seeing, it looks like the Duke Nukem franchise is Kotaku's new Halo.
@Kiaza: Physical media's going to be around for a long time, but I think we'll see developers make a stronger push for downloadable games and a refinement and perfection of the processes involved. We're going to need to see major storage systems for the consoles before we get to the point where we no longer need a…
@indyit: It uses Wi-Fi for the trade station. There are still those in-game trades every so often, where some NPC offers you one Pokemon for another, but the trade station's a safer bet for getting a worthwhile monster or something for breeding. It's great for cutting down on hunting time, especially if you're not…
@indyit: I think the totals at 486 right now. It never got too overwhelming for me because of the trade systems in the earlier games. They prevented a lot of cross-handheld generation trading, or made it a pain in the ass to trade between some versions, so it was a little difficult to get all the monsters. Many of the…
@Frey: For situations like that, it's best to work with the remaining player as best you can to get over to the downed player and kill the Special Infected that's incapacitated them. A lot of players try to just run at their teammates, spray, reload, spray some more, and then get frustrated when all they've done is…
@Frey: "I can do Expert and Realism just fine. . ."
@Cptn.PaxtonAstypalaea(Corsair): Two Betrayals from Halo: Combat Evolved. I only wish it had been designed with more sniper rifle ammo around; you get one rifle with nine rounds at the beginning (what the hell am I going to do with nine rounds against forty Covenant on the spire?), and the next time you get…
@ThisIs3Sick: This game is hilariously sexy. Or is that sexily hilarious? The dialogue, the action, everything's so over-the-top, and I'm enjoying it a hundred times more than I ever enjoyed a DMC title.