Alf, in pog form

It has speed holes, which inhibit the growth of rust, which, as you know, spreads inexorably across an area of unprotected steel, but can not leap across a gap.

Enjoy my extremely low “I haven’t had my coffee yet and have no sense of scale” effort Photoshop. 

Imagine a future where a cracked windshield costs $4000 to replace!

We’re gonna need a smaller boat

Reminder set.

You can tell this is Australia as the car spins clockwise; American race cars only go counter-clockwise.

Operator let his emotions get the better of him.  There is no excuse for this.  He could have saved an enormous amount of wear and tear on the tracks and idlers if he took 2 seconds to stabilize himself with the blade before having a go at the doors.  Equally, if he was working from a stable platform, he could have

That is exactly what I want my electric car to look like. I’d buy this right now if it was in my price range.

Is there like a Worst Comment of The Day that I can nominate the above for? 

That street needed a centre line anyway

Well...that went off without a hitch.

Yuck. :/

Instead of torpedoes, they launch salt water crocs.

Even autocorrect is smart enough to not leavenooses” just anywhere.

This is a prime example of early mussel car.

Hey dad, can I take the car out for a dive?

Do you think there was a child on fire and they chose to save the Mustang?

Bonus feature: If you’re ever stranded by the side of the road, you and your passenger can remove a wheel and play Chinese checkers to pass the time.

Co pilot don’t care if it’s a Japanese suv and not a Porsche, however, I still do... Not to self get a Porsche and hide it from wife.