Alf, in pog form

testing image insertion on new commenting system...

You're right, this is like being invited to a Town Hall Meeting, then being sent in twos and threes to separate rooms to chat. Gawker are killing off the sense of community that made their sites great :(

Agree ShirtBloke, all the pointing and mouse clicking is pissing me off. I long for the the good old days of simple mouse scroll-wheeling with the occasional click here and there.

Gizmodo has implemented the most cumbersome an nightmarish commenting system ever, that's what happened.

Egads, so much time spent bloody mouse clicking. This is like that old tv show Sliders; so many alternate realities available, but all you really want is to just go back home :(

"Why did I crash officer? Well the buzzing got so loud I had to place both hands over my ears to block out that damn infernal noise...."

I'd love to see that head transferred onto the Statue of Liberty for a while.

Fascinating! A perfect example of logical practicality existing in direct proportional equilibrium to lack of fundamental aesthetic desirability.

"but with the Blast Shield down, I can't even see!"

That is one of the most amazing looking vehicles that I have ever seen! 10x more awesome than a Lambo.

Who really cares about cleanliness - all you really need in life is access to a good daily sniff and chuckle..

This story is about Australian currency. Old Australian paper currency (pre-polymer) did not go through the washing machine and end up just fine. I am Australian so I know this to be true. Also, your comment is rude, learn some manners.



Not sure here, but I think his comment implied that a smaller company would have been bullied into submission by the corporate might of the MPAA and RIAA, and they don't pick on Google so much because Google is big enough to put up one hell of a costly fight.

All Aussie notes have been made of polymer for at least a decade and a half. Canadians have got something to look forward to with the plastic notes as they are clearly superior in all regards to paper notes - which becomes obvious the first time you accidentally put your wallet through the washing machine!

I did the same, and I tell ya that not a week goes by that some hoodlum in a large noisy truck drives by the front of my house and helps himself to the contents of my Surplus Treasure Receptacle.

And my comment above was referring to the pictured money not being in spendable Australian currency, with no reference intended to the US/Aussie exchange rate as a spiteful never-to-be-promoted pink commenter might suggest...

If the thieves entered the house in Australia and found a stack of US dollars like pictured in the story title they probably just left with resigned disappointment.
