Their prototypes really suck.
Their prototypes really suck.
Great Mars shot! This is what VIIRS saw when it was ponted directly at the Galactic Core.
Also taken at the same time by VIIRS was this stunning picture of the moon.
Some Fords just looks better when converted to cars of the British gentry.
Looks quite dangerous - I would have titled this article "Super Tall Transforming Bike Lets You fall into Traffic".
If by computer magic you mean stoned on bad coke, then yeah man, I've been there too... :)
You've posted this eight times already....for the love of Nibbles please please no more.....
60 bucks then.
Just goes to show that a $3,950 watch probably only costs 20 bucks to manufacture.
Apple will sue to stop it's release.
Did you know your refrigerator uses MORE electricity when to save on kitchen bench space you use a shelf in the refrigerator to store your working electric oven? =P
I think this is pretty cool actually. I reckon I could make one pretty much the same for about 500 bucks though so thanks for the idea suckers.
In reply to KillerBee's suggestion below
I like Professor Frink, he makes me laugh and he makes me think.
Freakin' hilarious!