Yes, I remember when that ad aired here in Oz. It turned out the BMW driver was an escaped murderer seeking vengeance on the woman who's testimony in court gave him over 35 years incarceration.
Yes, I remember when that ad aired here in Oz. It turned out the BMW driver was an escaped murderer seeking vengeance on the woman who's testimony in court gave him over 35 years incarceration.
@mytdawg: Yes, I didn't realise that was John Gacy, we have a complelely different batch of serial killer clowns down here in Australia.
@mytdawg: Ok, I guess this car is vomit-inducing enough to hold more than one clown.
Needs less twenty-tens funk and more nineteen-sixties retro.
@Tycho Vhargon: He's also unhappy that he broke the tip off by clenching too hard.
@Arthritis_Guy: This made me laugh out loud. Looks like she's preparing to have a very Stabby Christmas and an Up Yours New Year!
I drag myself along the ground with my blistered hands daily.
The grille is designed as a trapdoor. It ingests kangaroo's instead of flinging them to the side like the old model did.
@IgotsmeaMetro: And it makes it very awkward to reverse park during a gunfight too.
I came back to Jalopnik to find that my commenter's star had been stolen by the hackers :P
They need to spice it up a little bit by running half the cars in the opposite direction during the night phase.
@ottomaddox: Geez that's sweet....what the hell is it?
@luckycharms: That is incredible!
@Kyuusei: Yes, yes I did intend for the General Lee to be landing on a Russian carrier - beats all ya ever saw been in trouble with the law since the day they was born!
@LoganSix: don't forget the size fail too, according to the scale the General would be 50 foot long!