Alf, in pog form

These lights do, however, break all the laws of good taste. (IMO that is)

OMG, the world is collapsing!! Quick, build some rally cars!!!!

Seems Matchbox and Hotwheels cars are a common theme here, and so it was with me also. Growing up with cartoons like "Motormouse and Autocat" and "Wacky Racers" only fueled the fire.

You can park next to a sprinkler all you want buddy, but you are soon to learn that the eternal fiery breath exhaled from the pit of Ferrari Hell is unstoppable and unquenchable - before the night is due you too will burn like the heart of an angry sun.

Shazam! In my eyes, you can never have too many lightning bolt emblems on a 1960's truck!

Grooooovy! I haven't desired a vehicle this much since I first saw The Banana Splits six-wheelers when I was a kid!!

Ironic that the authorities want the car gone from this space, but then place devices on it to keep it there longer. Yours is a strange world, humans.....

@sixt9coug: No deal, all our Falcon are belong to us!

@Eggwich McSpencer: It's a '72 fastback, the red-headed stepchild of the Mustang family (do I lose my bonus points now?).

I've got a left hand drive manual Mustang here in Australia (right hand drive country), so I've learnt to drive a stick from the left seat and the right seat, (though thank goodness the pedals on the stang are in the same position as Australian cars otherwise I reckon I'd have no hope).

License plate is "WUP", which is also the sound a koala makes when entering a grille at high speed.

How did he go to the can? Hope his windows were tinted for the public's sake.....

@SudoMakeMeaSammich: Thanks, now if I ever see one of these cars in person I'm gonna burst into laughter....

I think I saw my house in that video.....which is odd, because I live in Australia.

This car is an abomination. Kill it. Kill it with hydraulics.

That's certainly a roomy storage compartment built into the door trim, and I see that it also has the optional deluxe foam fart absorption layer built into the surface of the drivers seat.