Alf, in pog form

This will only work if you have the right kind of co-driver.

615 metres up? Meh.

My grandfather lied about his age to join the army in WW1 to fight Germans, proceeded to be shot through the arm shortly thereafter by those same Germans, subsequently spending the rest of his service in the army Cook House. He died of asbestosis in '58 eight years before I was born. That's him on the right smoking in

@philaDLJ: What a huge loader krupp.

@Møbius: Stop revving it so hard, it seems like the engine is getting a little too warm.

Off topic, but the picture on this article made me instantly think of the "Cars" movie for some reason.

The first four minutes of that video were akin to gazing drunkenly into a bowl of pea soup, but the last 2 minutes made up for it!

Pants down on the side of the road is not unusual in New Zealand; it's actually a governmental initiative to combat unemployment by utilising jobless Kiwi's as bike racks.

How Wellington press reported it the next day.

The ad works fine; I'm going out right now to buy a clock.

Mega Crack Pi.....wait, Jalopnik is now sponsored by Porsche??

Grandpa Munster approves.

We had a town here in Australia called Belchertown. The residents were so sick of the constant jokes about the towns name that a plebiscite was initiated and the subsequent voting determined that the town should indeed be renamed. It is now called Belcherville.

@Coreboy: Yep, that's the one - good job!

@Cpt.Carnage: Coreboy's comment below has a new link.

@Drujon: To clean the blood off any faces sticking through the windshield, thus allowing for easier victim identification.

Now you don't see a picture like that everyday: a Subaru with chequered stripes - how extremely odd.

Wrong switch setting - rookies mistake.

I couldn't drive a car with a gear shift lever like that; it would be an affront to my manhood.