Alf, in pog form

@WhizKids: This car will revel in fire; indeed within the writhing orgy of infernal deflagration this car will become far more powerful than you could ever imagine....

@sos10: Only the highest pressure Holy Water could clean that little beastie.

The close-ups reveal secrets. Dark, dark secrets....

@Murilee Martin: Yep, one Imperial (Australian) gallon = 1.2 US Gallon, so the drums are basically the same dimensions as each other.

Years ago a friend of mine recounted the day her father brought a P76 home new from the showroom. Upon the first washing of his car he was upset to find puddles of water lying throughout the car - fresh from the factory every door seal had leaked like a sieve! (It was nice of British Leyland to design their car with

Running a close second to Jason White throughout the race, Team Chevrolet were forced to withdraw from the race due to unforeseen circumstances.

@Number_Six: Looks like Hugh Hefner has dropped his standards a little as he's gotten older.

@rigidjunkie: As an Australian, I represent that comment!


Henry Ford should have been crucified for releasing that option.

Just like that old German childhood superstition: "Skid off the track, break your Porsche's back"

O, she doth teach the Lucas headlights to burn bright!

Looking forward to watching the new A-Team film. But beware of imitators....

The interior offers a diffused and reposeful blessing for eyes that have been seared upon vehicle entry by the extremely wearisome external visual insipidity. Therefore, the dichotomy contained within the uncreative canvas of this contradicting automotive caricature should ensure a just Jalopnik judgement of apathetic

@Alf, in pog form: After I posted I meant, not before. In the interest of racial harmony and goodwill to all men and world peace I have requested that a moderator remove the pic.

@wookie1901: hindsight it was a poorly pieced together wording and sorry to anyone offended. I should have just used "Oh, what an awful feeling" instead (which I thought of ten seconds before I posted....d'oh).

I want my old XB Coupe back. I sold her nine years ago when she was worth nothing for AU$2200.