It’s Hanukkah, Charlie Brown! should be the next one!
It’s Hanukkah, Charlie Brown! should be the next one!
I would expect tens of thousands of pounds of pressure. For reference, a great white shark has a bite force of 4000 PSI.
I’m still waiting for my hybrid Maverick!
Congrats Bubba! Probably not how he pictured winning his first top level race, but a win is a win!
Yeah, Deadline said that he’s gone. He’s not even going to recur, but might make a single appearance next season. It’s probable that Scott wrote the review before the news broke. Corey Stoll is going to be the co-lead with Giamatti next season.
Woke up this morning
I found my Radwood car!
Burning the cash is cheaper in the long run!
An extra $12k for this doesn’t seem worth it to me.
Is it an Outback? Is it a Forester? The world may never know!
But how many Grey Poupon holders does it have?
It’s like traveling on grandma’s couch!
Dealers being scummy? Well I never!
I’m happy that you like this car, but I am a little worried about your safety driving this thing on snowy Michigan roads in the winter.
Or junkies trying to get some cash for their next fix.
Those things are great...if you’re touring in a rock band.
Bail Organa seems like a given.
Jim DeRogatis is the unsung hero in this. Without his reporting, there’s a good chance that this monster never gets charged.