
Is it bad that I don’t remember a single sketch that Lauren Holt was in last season? I didn’t even recognize her name when this news came out.

Mercedes Benz is the last holdout of the rear facing third row sedan. You can get them in the E Class wagon, but sadly not in the AMG trim.

It looks like they’re at some sort of garage sale.

FIFA 22 is also coming to Switch also. However, it’s the same old legacy edition where EA charges $40 for roster and uniform updates. They really should charge $20 for it.

It’s a shame that they wasted Giancarlo Esposito on that secret society storyline since he was so good as the narrator in the first two seasons.

We got the first teaser over a year and a half ago in the before times.

How much room does the backseat have? Comfortable for an adult of average height for an hour or so?

Jason Statham as Wart!

This is the correct color for a Porsche.

How do you know?

Holy shit! Jason Statham as Wart!

It looks like we’re not getting the Jake from State Farm discount on VC for this game.

Jason Sudeikis is hosting SNL? What’s up with that?

Welcome to Jalopnik Steve! Jason and David have scheduled your hazing initiation for Friday at 11:00 AM EDT if that works for you. Be prepared to recite every Scandinavian auto maker from the date of their founding frontwards and backwards. 

In today’s used car market, it’s still a good deal!

Craig James is really, really interested in payload capacity for no particular reason.

Since I brought my lunch every day, the only thing that stands out is the nachos from junior high. A handful of yellow tortilla chips in a cardboard boat topped with orange cheese for 50¢.

With This is Us’ loss in the best drama category, it’s been 15 years since a network show has won in that category. It was season five of 24. This will be an answer to a hard trivia question one day.

The Emmy awards didn’t recognize programs shows that aired on cable until 1988. The best comedy and drama winners from last year were both cable shows. Since network dramas have really shifted to procedurals in the past decade, the odds of another network drama winning it again is super low.

They could have turned that into a badass outlander vehicle, but instead they turned it into…that.