
Bradley, I think you wanted to refer to Shawn Bradley as the star of the beloved 1996 cinematic masterpiece, Space Jam.

I’m going to eat the world’s biggest cherry cordial!

There’s also a product called Bottle Bright. I used it on a Hydroflask that had some heavy duty tea stains. It made it look like almost new. 

If you were the proverbial fly on the firewall, you probably be dead now. 

I was just excited that they finally told us what Toby did for a living. He’s a huge Star Wars fan so him being in IT totally tracks. I loved that he was watching The Mandalorian with his daughter. Unexpected Baby Yoda cameo!

About 12 years. They air multiple seasons per year. House Hunters is on season 199! That’s right almost 200 seasons, not episodes.

Perfect for Disney!

I know that the Pajero Junior is a small car, but there’s something in the perspective of that photo that makes it look like a Power Wheels.

It’s a ‘66 so it probably just had lap belts. David might want to upgrade to a three point one. 

I figure this will be the lowest rated Oscars ever. With no big movies for obvious reasons this year, it will probably be down 20-25% from last year. 

Yes, you can get the 3D Blu Ray. You just need a 3D TV and Blu Ray player.

I thought that this might be a case of a rogue franchisee, but all Panda Expresses are corporately owned so this is a pretty bad look. 

Thanks Mercedes, I never wanted a weird JDM...until now!

It looks like the Bronco Sport is a just an Escape cosplaying as a Bronco.

I’m becoming a better Jalop! I understood half what that article said!

This was one of Alex Winter’s last acting roles until 2013. He mostly directed stuff in the interim. 

There’s supposedly a Cheyanne and Bo spinoff in the works. 

You monster!

Keyboard support would be nice for those who want to add this to a MAME cabinet.