Nice price, especially with that gated shifter.
Nice price, especially with that gated shifter.
I’ve seen a few vans with the shifter in the dash before. It’s still not as weird as when cars had the shifter on the steering column like a “three on the tree” setup.
I think they were open in Florida for the most of the pandemic.
Not much marketing. It did play in slightly fewer theaters than T&J did since there was a disagreement between Disney and the second largest theater chain, Cinemark, over their premier access. We’ll see if Disney releases Black Widow in the theaters in two months.
$8.6M for a Disney animated movie has to be a bit of a disappointment since Tom and Jerry made $14M last weekend. Though I wonder how much they made charging $30 extra on the Disney+ Premiere.
Oscar nominations come next Monday. I have a feeling that it will be the least watched Oscar ceremony ever.
Debbie, still the worst.
That’s Santa Claus Conquers The Martians star Pia Zadora to you pal!
You have to be within $250 now to win both showcases. They changed the rule a couple of years ago.
Just wait a few months when demand goes back to normal. I still would like somebody to do a group buy for these. LOL.
I don’t think that these T-Birds would have sold any better if they were a four seat coupe. Coupes were on the decline even before these were introduced.
My guess is that the landlord had a cut a hole where the mirror is to fix something like an electrical wire and never bother to close it up since he figured there was a mirror there. The adjacent apartment is being renovated and that’s why there was a hole there too. Since it was being renovated, the landlord probably…
It seems like Paramount+ is really leaning into the nostalgia to get subscribers. I figure that they’ll announce a new season of Real World for it shortly. The last season of it didn’t air on MTV, but the now defunct Facebook Watch.
I think a lot of the shows on DIY will move to HGTV or Discovery+. Rehab Addict Rescue is on HGTV now.
From what I understand, a lot of states are using the J&J vaccine at mass vaccination sites like stadiums while traditional pharmacies and doctors are still using the Pfizer and Moderna ones. I wonder if we’ll see the J&J used for groups that are less likely to show up for a second appointment like homeless people.
Summer colds are worse than winter colds for whatever reason.
Fucking Sodexho.
Kill off Elongated Man and bring in the OG stretchy superhero, Plastic Man!
To get the creamiest hummus, you have to remove the skins from the chickpeas. Here’s a method from Cook’s Illustrated where you cook the chickpeas in some baking soda water to do it.