
Most likely. He goes back the next day after he sobered up. If he called the cops that night, they would have done a sobriety test on him.

Unless I missed it, but what did you do with your Chrysler Voyager?

I was able to get both of my parents vaccinated at Walgreens. Without my help, I’m not sure when they would have gotten them since they’re not good with computers or the process it took to schedule it. 

Yes, it would need ballots cast. Apparently, dissolving a town isn’t that unheard of like I was thinking.

If you like cliched, mediocre YA fantasy, this is the show for you!

What are your other two wishes.

Next January, DIY Network is becoming the Magnolia Network. I hope that Mike Holmes will move to HGTV or at least, Discovery+. My brother was going to be on Lakefront Bargain Hunt, but the previous owner of the house died in a car accident a few weeks before closing so the timing didn’t work out.

Yeah, House Hunters International is so much more interesting than the original. I don’t give a shit about some asshole buying another McMansion in Texas. I want to see culture shock!

Its ratings are almost the same as they were last year so her leaving had no effect on them. Maybe other cast members deals were up after this year and it was an economic decision.

I wonder if Anna Farris still would have left the show if she knew that this was the last season.

I bet in the next 5-10 years, you’re going to see a lot of apartment/condo complexes have EV chargers for their residents. Most will probably charge $50-100/month for it though.

I’m curious, what’s the approximate cost of putting a L2 charger in your house?

Yeah, links stopped automatically embedding about a month ago. Fucking Kinja.

I haven’t had a Chalupa in a while. Are they as good as I remember?

Not so bad and you?

Ok, Arthur Conan Doyle got one thing right.

Somebody already kind of makes ground up Spam.

Was this supposed to be a theatrical release initially? This seems more like it was meant to be VOD. This doesn’t seem like the kind of movie that would have a lot of money at the box office.

I wonder if Hulu will give The Hardy Boys a second season. I watched it a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty good. 

I don’t care how they do it, but they have to bring Nic Cage back.