
They could get creative, too. Like the establishment of Black Lives Matter Plaza play, Northan should have a large, educational board put up in front of the statue. “Fmr Gen Lee and the Traitors to the United States” in big letters across the top with a very clear history of their defense of slavery and oppression.

In the meantime, how quickly can we put up an 8-foot long educational display about the Civil War? Big letter across the top reading “Fmr Gen Robert E Lee and the Traitors to the Unites States.” I’m sure there are some historians who could fill out a great infographic about the war’s basis in slavery and the blood on

Now playing

I feel the same way about wouldn’t they want to stay in the public eye. Especially if they aren’t as active as Goldfinger has been.

Trump and Pence seem to be doing their best to cosplay Prince Prospero from Masque of the Red Death.

Looks like the Started Pack, that adds a fabric cover and a power adapter, is marked down $40 as well.

Looks like the Started Pack, that adds a fabric cover and a power adapter, is marked down $40 as well.

I know, right?

My 4 year old loves the new Magic School Bus series on Netflix. It’s actually cute and covers some cool topics in ways he understands. My personal favorites are the simple machines and DNA episodes.

Those ignoramuses voted him in to run the country like he runs his businesses. We’re now at the point where he would be declaring bankruptcy and trying to get far, far away from any connection.

Then the Red Dwarf would be, as well.

I’ve seen this story before.

You must have missed the gospel of Supply-side Jesus.

My local brewery just caned their Flanders Red. I’ve been looking forward to it since I finished the last one I had from last year.

You having pun problems? Maybe we should Tacko-bout it?

The lead image on this made me thing it was a book for cross stitch, but I guess it could still be used for that. It looks like a very carefully crafted collection.

I think the more interesting question would be “Would you support Trump in a Primary Election against other Republican candidates?”

Aso try out Scan The World’s collection if you want to print works of art from across the globe.