
He’s the kind of guy who wants a croissant but won’t ask for it by name because he thinks that would make him look too effeminate. He’d lean over the glass pointing with his stubby finger and yell, “Yeah, give me one of these fuckers right here. Make sure you heat it up too, the hotter the better. Cold stuff is for

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Hasan Minhaj did an episode recently on transportation that focused heavily on these shitbags.

At least they are actual chairs and not kegs.

So calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” isn’t racist now because it’s a movie reference?

My Trump-supporting MIL sent my wife a picture from her local Walmart where she found Novolin 70/30 for $20 a vial. After we had a good laugh at how stupid she is, my wife tried her best to explain that it is nowhere near as effective or modern as the Humalog and Levemir I use. I don’t think any of it got through

I can see it playing out like something from Dr Strangelove.

Marchand is no saint, but at least he was never suspended for being a racist on the ice.

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Yeah. The Bruins are evil and not coached by a racist.

Don’t forget that he got suspended for calling Peter Worrell a “monkey” during a game. He’s a racist who doesn’t deserve any praise.

On top of alcohol affecting dogs differently, hop matter can cause runaway hyperthermia. Anything dry or wet hopped could still have the ingredients that cause it.

By that logic, his buddy Tim Apple must be doing terribly considering the profit they continue to create.

Is No idea what is so appealing about the goofy names picked up by

Thoughts and prayers.

You’re right about treatment just extending a terrible personality. It’s like saying “I gotta fix the engine in my car” but driving an old Lada. Sure, it will still run, but you’re still driving a cheap Russian import.

All 3 available on Netflix? How much did they pay for this sponsorship?

The same snowflakes are the ones who would be yelling about CuLtUrAl ApPrOpRiAtIoN if, please god no, Jordan did write a leading white role. He has no obligation to do so.

Personally I’m offended there aren’t more all-white K-pop groups or Christian-led synagogues. Where is the outrage over these racists?

Godsdammit! His username on SF is 2 characters off the gamertag I’ve been using for 10+years. Guess it’s time for a change.

President Trump Doesn’t Know How To Pull Out
Pence unable to clearly teach basic shit to the frail septuagenarian.