Apparently he had a public playlist on youtube and, you guessed it, a few of the videos are “(((they))) did 9/11"
Apparently he had a public playlist on youtube and, you guessed it, a few of the videos are “(((they))) did 9/11"
I’ve been talking about this with people a lot, as it’s something I’ve been seeing more often from conservatives trying to keep at least a DRAM of integrity. Their party is an absolute, unmitigated failure, in ways that it is impossible to ignore if you’re a thinking person in legitimately any way.
Someone “semi doxxed” him on the social media hell scape formerly known as Twitter. He’s a farmer living “off the grid” in [that’s to this article Farmville], Virginia. That’s all anyone needs to know to draw a picture [although AVClub was also good enough to to flesh out that he “lives with his two dogs.”]
Welfare is literally the easiest, best thing you can do for the economy. Here’s a fun fact: poor people spend money, and spend it locally.
“Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground / ‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down”
Conservatives are cowards: Note that it’s the Republican legislators you hear who, behind the scenes, confess they are “too afraid of their crazy voters to stand up to Trump etc”. Democrats are also at risk of being shot by crazy Republican voters. But the Democrats still do the right thing (re Trump).
It’s hard to do any sort of art well - be it comedy, music, or cinema - if the only message you’ve got is “fuck everybody that’s different than me”
Hank Williams would never stop punching these people in the teeth
“I wish politicians would look out for miners / And not just minors on an island somewhere”
I’ll admit I’ve never had turtle soup, but if it’s done correctly, deer meat is very good. So, no, I won’t apologize for eating Bambi’s mom.
I understood this to be super common in the folk / country world several decades ago. All the old pro-union songs were American folk music. Then...something happened, so now all we get are “star-gazin’ in my Ford truck, stringin’ up some city cuck, wait this salsa’s made in New York City?!? No, sir, none for me!”
There’s a good strain of country/americana out there that understands class consciousness, or at least what it means to live a hard life, but it’s always ignored because the writers/singers will be the first to tell any conservative politician boosting them that conservatism is the problem.
“Both sides serve the same master, and that master is not someone of any good to the people of this country”
I heard Mumford & Sons referred to as “Imagine Wagons” the other day and I felt that needed to be shared wider. (it was probably on this site).
Conservatives are always a decade behind, and they’re in their skinny jeans and Mumford & Sons era now
Well it isn’t horrifically overproduced crossover country, so baby steps, I guess.
He’s not the only person out there who doesn’t realize that welfare hasn’t been a thing for decades. I wish politicians would make it clear that Clinton signed the last of it away in the ‘90s, but it’s not in either sides best interest to let that become well known.
Still can’t hold a candle to Johnny Paycheck who gave us the anthem for all those horrible bosses, “Take this Job and Shove It”. Ol’ Johnny even once shot a man for offering him deer and turtle soup.