
The party that is most worried about terrorists are actually terrorists?

3 years? They were hanging and burning effigies of Obama longer ago than that. Holding posters with Obama’s face with cross-hairs over it. The Terror Party will not prosecute the person who is doing this, but keep an eye out for any new WH staff in the next few weeks.

I’d buy just to stay out of the greys.

“Jesus said ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Clearly, this man just wanted to be groped. Letting people know is his First Amendment right.” -Jeff Sessions

“You’re all good Christians, right? You know what Jesus said, that we need to deny strangers at our door, mock the sick and profit off the needy. That is what we do, not like those damn Je—-, wait, Globalists.” -Trump

Attempted assault? Excuse me, looks like the group definitely succeeded in that aspect. Why do racists and fascists have a higher bar to get over to be charged with full assault? Oh, yeah, because the NYPD is full of similar-minded racists and fascists.

GOP Nominee? I’d surprised he didn’t have a Freudian Slip and say “With my 6-inch crocodile-skin stilettos!”

Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Philadelphia.

If a Supreme Court Justice can throw beer at folks and not get in trouble, so can the average Joe-Schmo.

I like enjoying that the only undefeated team right now are the Devils after their 6-0 win over the Caps last night.

They all have “What Would Putin Do?” bracelets on under their American Flag cuff links.

I mean, Kemp supports the illegal hunting and skinning of Yeti as well as the continued slavery of merfolk. I’m assuming these, of course, since he hasn’t directly addressed them to my satisfaction.

The back-alley abortions Sen Collins is dooming her constituents to will be more thorough than that godsdamned FBI investigation.

We’re about to sail into a shit typhoon DianaDoe2.0, so we’d better haul in the jib before it gets covered with shit.

If he doesn’t get confirmed, I bet BK will write a counter to Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary. An Angel’s Dictionary where he gives wholesome definitions to the dirtiest of slang terms. “A Cleveland Steamer is one of the many vintage steam-powered cruise ships departing on Lake Erie from the city of Cleveland, OH. On the

Me? I like to get Whiteout Drunk, which is enjoying one St Pauly’s Girl and making revisions to my bible study notes.

His employers are Russians.