
Lock her up!

If this weren’t true, SVU episodes would be about 80% shorter.

If Trump wanted to know he wouldn’t go to an infographic, he’d just ask his ex-wife.

50/50 and a few shakes of the hot sauce of your choice. Creamy, sweet, spicy, plus the salt of the fries. Hits every mark.


He hates the mob, which is why he supports asbestos. Here’s a quote from Art of the Comeback, “I believe that the movement against asbestos was led by the mob, because it was often mob-related companies that would do the asbestos removal. Great pressure was put on politicians, and as usual, the politicians relented.” 

There are “remember 9/11" banners up year round, though. If we’re going to try and remember the unfortunate times that Americans were killed in attacks on our soil, then May 28th should be more solemn than 9/11. That is when the Indian Removal Act was passed, resulting in the deaths of over 8,700-17,000 Americans.

Once a year? Seems we’re fellating the flag at every step with this administration. 

Just wait until a Dem is in office, it will magically matter to the blowhard Russian Stooges Republicans then.

It’s the malting that adds that cost. From what I gather, the actual process is easy, if you’re a patient person.

I went to a brewery with a sign by the patio door that read, “It only takes 15 minutes in the sun for an IPA to skunk completely. DRINK RESPONSIBLY.” Those volatiles are very reactive and visible light (mostly blue and green) will turn those compounds into ones similar to the ones skunks use for defense. Drink your

I’d recommend to anybody the book Candyfreak by Steve Almond. A little dated, but he tours the USA going to smaller candy makers and talks about the pressure conglomerates put on them.

Nah. Republicans just hate those programs because nowhere in the Bible does anyone suggest something like “you should clothe the naked, feed the hungry, protect the vulnerable.” Those ideas are un-Christian and, therefore, un-American.

Trump is only screaming about “twelve year old tax cases” because they are just the age that excites the GOP base. 

Then arrest the people who hire them? Oh wait, he was working on the family farm of a prominent Iowa Republican. Never mind then, let them continue to profit off the vulnerable.

The elementary schools in my town are not ADA compliant, but the town (read: the elderly republican group) continues to vote down building a new school, despite the state agreeing to help fund most of the cost, and the tax hike only coming into effect after the previous rise from renovating the high school goes away.