Blind Prophet

If not everyone has to enjoy 5e, you should not take someone voicing why/how they dislike it as a personal attack. What does it matter if he says D&D sucks? Why do you take issue with that?

So you still don’t actually get it.

Hasbro having money does not make it inexpensive friend. Even setting aside that, books have very thin margins. Printing costs a lot and they do not make a huge amount of money off of it.

I was just honestly wondering what you were looking for, hence the followup questions, but I can see that touched a nerve. It was just me, trying to figure out what you were actually looking for in case you were actually interested in Pathfinder and not just trying to dunk on it.

How do you not release the 3 core books at the same time?

Question for you.  What do you mean by ‘slick and integrated’?  What exactly are you looking for?  Is it just character generation?  All of the information? A place to roll dice?

I’m not a fan of PF1E either. But PF1E had a lot of things you could do in combat. You had a LOT of options. Comparatively 5e has had no options.

There’s just so very much wrong in what you’re saying, I’m going to skip past it and jump just to the last part. And since I’ve already explained it at length...I’ll just repeat what was said.

You really should work on your reading comprehension.

Lets take for an example, the coven. Is that important information to the story? Does knowing that change anything? No on both counts. The coven, and who Osha and Mae were before that has not factored into the story at all. To the point you could change the coven to simple farmers and nothing would change story wise

This was clearly information we needed in order to get the full picture later

You give this episode far far more credit than it deserves. While it has some fantastic performances in it, the episode doesn’t work at all.

Lets look at the reality of things.

Well, it is actually functional given they launched and docked.

I think its time to throw in the towel on this thruster system, given this is the second time its been the problem.  Like I get why they want it to work, but it is just not functional yet.

Her choice to do that certainly provided the opportunity! But given Elsie’s experiences, all her previous timelines, that alone was not enough. Without it, we were fucked of course.  But so are we without our actions, Elsie’s, Caital’s, Zavala’s, Uldrens’, Crows...etc etc etc.

First, I rather recommend My Name is Byf’s 10 hour long video explaining the entire history of Destiny which explains everything up to The Final Shape history wise.  But I can provide some answers to your questions:

What was the change to the eternal pattern that allowed for The Final Shape to be thwarted in this cycle? (Players have been led to assume it’s “us” the player characters, but it might turn out to be something more afield, like Savathûn.

I think a lot of people have forgotten just how crappy TV used to be as a technology and a medium. Movies always looked a million times better, which is one reason why folks would go to the theaters on weekends back 30 years ago, even if it was just some Julia Roberts romcom or Van Damme action vehicle.

Yord is not that; he is brash, quick to judgment, untrusting, suspicious.