Blind Prophet

Couple of extremely key points about this...

I’m sorry in my attempt to be polite it appears I wasn’t clear. I have no desire to discuss the imaginary people you are crusading against.

Hi friend. As far as I can tell no ones been demanding anything. Nothing about it in this article, nothing about it in the source article. I don’t even see anything really in the comments here that even approaches a demand. I have not said anything about demanding anything. As stated to someone else I haven’t implied

Which is that as a group gamers have a tendency, at least in online spaces like this, to bitch about modern games not being complete experiences. And now we HAVE a game and a developer DELIVERING a complete experience and already gamers are asking for more deliverables.

I never said anything about there being an expectation for more, or that developers owe people more. No clue where you got that idea.

I’d like you to take a step back and think about what you just said for a moment. This isn’t a dig at you, but just something to think about.

So just so we’re clear. You believe it is a benefit to the copyright holders for someone to publish false information about their work (A significant part of why the court ruled in Google’s favor)? Moreover you believe that Google did the same thing? That is your belief correct as you did state that Prosecraft and

For example, the above and the entire thread from one of the authors whose works were used. There are other examples but I’m not going to dig through the numerous threads and responses to things that went down yesterday to find them all. You can do that yourself.

It’s also worth noting that the lower court opinion extolls the virtues of Google’s “public service” in terms that would seem to directly describe the exact kind of data analysis performed by Prosecraft

You don’t even understand it.

Have you ever wanted to turn that humanoid enemy into a pinata but they keep turning you and all your friends into fresh corpses instead? Have you ever wanted just to get free crits with every melee swing? Are you tired of missing?

Couple of things...

Well when you make a movie that’s...“It’s fine, I guess, I mean at least its not offensively bad...regime change and philosophical differences tend to become bigger and bigger issues.

I wonder what the next phase, which seems heavily movie-focused, is going to look like.

Unions are not so perfect that they are immune to critique.

Whatever you say bootlicker.

3.5 D&D can certainly be your favorite. But it being your favorite does not erase how flawed. At its best it was an utter clusterfuck of bad design from top to bottom and D&D today is still suffering because of it. Pathfinder at least bothered to learn from most of those mistakes eventually.

Whatever you say bootlicker

Don’t you have some boots to lick?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder 1st ed very much had/have a very vocal subset of the community that is very much focused on min maxing. That is in part because there’s a lot of bloat and ‘trap’ features (trap as in it looks good on the surface, but is functionally worthless) which naturally sent players towards finding what