
Yeah, I don’t understand how someone can be an alt right Star Trek fan. From the very beginning the show was about a multicultural society living together in harmony and solving problems. The original show not only included two people of color in the main cast, and American TV’s first interracial kiss, but also had

Yeah, the one terrible piece of design on this show has been the Klingon prosthetics, and they’re the main antagonists.

I didn’t know you watched Star Trek, Milo. I don’t whether to be horrified, or impressed.

It’s funny that they ditched the holographic projector in DS9 after 1 or 2 episodes. The directors really didn’t like how it worked and went back to viewscreen communication. The holographic thing looks better here, but I’m still not convinced.

How triggered were you when you saw women be better than you?

Right, sorry. Still, we know that Spock is at least two years beyond the Academy by the events of this series.

Yup, and that turned out so well the last time...

You mean a Star Trek show did something socially progressive? Will wonders never cease! I thought up till now that Star Trek was a safe space for conservative white guys.

Wait, so someone who is ready for command of her own ship knocks out her captain and tries to mutiny the ship?

Damn, those credits. And when the strains of the original theme reappear at the end as the Discovery flies across the screen and “Star Trek created by Gene Rodenberry” came up...I got a little misty.

Glad to see you just copied and pasted your lazy ass comment from the AV Club.

We saw the whole High Counsel. They all look like that.

“Well, we didn’t physically see them, but the gorgeous design of the bombs let us know who it was.”

I really REALLY wanted it to be good. First Star Trek series on TV in almost a decade. But what a total mess. Terrible writing, terrible acting, and with all the dutch angles and lense flares, I can’t help but think it was actually their intention to make this show look as much like Battlefield Earth as possible.

The biggest mistake CBS made was not airing the two parts on CBS. The first episode ends mid-story and is not satisfying enough to compel people to go to All Access. Episode 2, which has a resolution, great action and better character moments has me wanting more. Not sure how many people will get CBSAA based on what

Not the first time Spock has turned out to have a previously unmentioned sibling with a flair for the illogical.

“this is only a decade before Spock shows up as the first officer of the Enterprise.”

If this show is going to posit that Sarek developed a distaste for it because of how it treated Burnham, I’m going to remind everyone that this is only a decade before Spock shows up as the first officer of the Enterprise. Spock should be in the Academy—or even out of it, given Vulcan aging—by now. So, Sarek turned on

Ahh, all the reviews are for the first two episodes. We could only watch the first one that aired (late) on CBS and ended in a cliffhanger. I was under the assumption the PILOT would air on CBS, and the SECOND EPISODE onward would stream on CBSAA.

I assume the “Vulcan Hello” is leaning your holographic butt against a real table. How... why... what???