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They should just totally leave it hanging like they initially did with the Klingons in DS9:

Or film Cable and Deadpool just sitting in a cafe discussing his entire backstory, in one three-hour long scene, the whole thing, all improvised to save budget, and release that as part of a five-hour long Extended Edition.

Brining out a pointy finger stick and a flipchart in the middle of fights and trying to explain to tha audience.

I actually think that it would be a great running joke thru the movie, with Deadpool trying to make sense of Cables background as it gets more and more convoluted.

Hey the bad guy isn’t a Jewish characature this time! Progress!

Where the hell did this movie come from?

But the interviewer, Paxman, isn’t convinced.

Exactly -while I hate to defend Paramount, trying paint the proper rights holder as the evil oppressor and the Anaxar guys as innocent victims is bullshit. They were trying to make money - blatantly and openly make money - when they shouldn’t be and the production should be shut down.

There’s no doubt that Axanar infringed on copyright and deserved to lose the moment they started trying to profit off of someone else’s IP, but Paramount/CBS could have handled this whole thing better.

Yes, true, but really, when you look at most great empires of history, they stretch out more east/west than north/south. That significantly changed starting in like, the 18th century. Jared Diamond explores this phenomenon in one of his books (I think it was Guns, Germs and Steel, but it might be Collapse).

They address this in the video, but good try!

My big question is whether they added the storage retrieval scene, with them hopping into the machine and grabbing the files, with then K2SO valiantly holding the Stormtroopers off. If that scene wasn’t there, it then makes sense that they got the files and then ended up escaping to the beach rather quickly.

Is this why Spider-Man was cut out of the last scene?

The scene with Cassian’s introduction with the spy

It’s a spy cliche, but it told me a lot about Cassian very quickly. I’m glad this was added.

Ok, but these reasons are pretty much WHY I liked this movie. Rebellions are dirty. The Skywalker trilogy is like the main heroic history the rebels tell after they won. Rogue One is the shit the sweep under the rug (kind of like Han shooting first, scrubbed away in a “we have always been at war with Eurasia” way).

A lot of the points you raise don’t really bother me, but I do think that they introduced too many characters. I probably would have preferred dropping Chirrut and Baze, because their stories are not particularly essential to the main plot, so as to more fully develop Cassian and Bodhi as characters.

Honestly, could we just get a Darth Vader movie... maybe based off his run in the comics, or a similar style story... the big thing everyone loved was Vader wrecking shit at the end amirite?

So--the problems with the film are, basically, everything I liked best about it.

I can see your point of view, but walking into the theater, have you enjoyed war movies in general? I have a friend who is a massive Star Wars fan who hated this movie for much of the same reasons you listed. In the end, she stated she has never enjoyed the “classic” war movie tropes and walked into the theater

Frankly, the move away from Jedi/Republic = good, Sith/Empire = Bad, is the best thing that came out of Rogue One. Seeing the Rebels be selfish dicks, and seeing heroes working to topple the Empire from within is what made the movie, really.