


Wow I guess noone's heard of federal copyright law, hope you have a good lawyer.

Wow so much for the First Amendment I guess. Lucky for them that the Separation of Church and State doctrine doesn't apply here, it's a jew temple.

Since he put it in writing he should have said he'd play for less than one year, now he's in trouble under the Statute of Fraud.

Wow a lot of inappropriate hate here, guess I shouldn't be surprised that Barry's never heard of Full Faith & Credit.

Wow talk about your misinformation here. The Second Amendment no longer applies only to the federal government (cf, Colombia vs. Heller).

Barry I also used to think that the law was a bunch of incomprehensible hieroglyphics but it turns out that it's just old fashioned cursive, they wrote their S's like F's.

I always thought Taiwan and Tyvon had the same first name, I speak a lot of latin in my profession.

Wow big mistake by the police on this one, look for him to get off if he hires competent council. They need probable cause to stop a motorist and not only was he obeying the speed limit, it's not probable that he was driving like a snake, they have no hands.

Sorry Tim, but this play is called the hook and ladder, maybe work on your research next time.

Big mistake to give him an unusual punishment, that'll be overturned as an Eighth Amendment violation (which applies to the state colleges, cf, Robinson v California)

That goddamn First Amendment is going to be the end of us.

These smalltown judges don't even know what they're doing, I guess no one's heard of a writ of habeus corpus.

Wow this is unbelievably unfair, I can count at least 12 of the Bill of Right amendments that are potentially being violated here.

Jesus Christ. +1

Hate to burst YOUR bubble but its "thesauri".

I know the t and r are close to each other on the keyboard Barry but his name was Roger, Ebert. Not having your best day, sorry.

Sorry Barry but only Congress has the right to make money, I guess you forgot about Article 1 section 8. Poor choice of words on your part.

I guess they've never heard of the First Amendment. Unbelievable.