
Please get rid of the hat.

I’m sure this whole thing will be resolved like rational adults.

I don’t know who these people are but who else is getting mad Blue Lagoon vibes?

Not to be a dick, I wouldn’t do this to his face, but eye roll at that Tracy Morgan quote. I guess I just don’t get religion. The accident brought him closer to god because he could have died but he didn’t. So he thinks god spared him? But took his friend? Bleh. Whatever. Like there is some sort of magic plan

Try Universal Standard, they’re pretty good at quality basics.

The couple said they had wanted to give Charlie a real chance of getting better and that a “whole lot of time has been wasted.”

just wanna say: Dodai! Looking sharp in your Editor-in-Chief pic. <3

Finally saw WW and, despite some gripes, I loved it. Too much slo-mo, too long, how those guys see her fight like she does and not believe her when she talks about Ares, why’d it have to be the love for a man to flip her god switch, I get that she’s naive to the ways of the “modern” human world (and that it provided

No, Jackie Kennedy wouldn’t have been denied access to the school campus for wearing a headscarf, because it’s face-covering veils that (the school is claiming) are banned on campus, not headscarves.

Not really. In complete opposite of the US, where you have no state religion but push Christianity like hell, we have a state religion but making sure workplaces are largely secular is very popular so the banning of all iconography is designed to make sure no religion is being promoted and no one feels pressured to be

+1 Both are shitty momuments to arrogance and vanity.

“This house will last forever.”

Oh Florida.

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

Maya Rudolph is perfect.

People who call 911 for stuff like this must have had incredibly easy lives up to this point if this is their idea of an “emergency” for which they need police assistance.

Eh. My mom got the sweetest dog at the shelter about a year and a half ago, and eventually he turned into a growler and a biter and a dog with food aggression. Through multiple trainers and boardings, she’s finally looking to re-home him. It really does happen.

Good on them.