
I really like Haim, which is kinda odd for me, but I do. This past weekend I asked a friend if she liked them and she doesn’t, but she’s only heard I Want You Back on the radio. She did however have the best comparison I’ve heard of them...she thinks they sound like Wilson Phillips. I have to agree, and now whenever I

That’s ok! More for us! I lovelovelovelovelove Haim and am so stoked they finally gave us another album. Christmas in July!

In less happy news: condolences to Stan Lee as Joan Lee - voice actor, novelist, alleged inspiration for the Fantastic Four, and Stan’s wife of 69 years - died today at 93 after a stroke earlier this week.

I find that fridged tomatoes, especially store bought (because they’re picked green and refrigerated anyway) don’t alter flavor or texture all that much as long as the tomato was already destined to be crap, anyway.

Although being a SAHM is a difficult job, if I was hiring and someone put all that stuff on a resume, I would give it serious side eye. All parents have to deal with the kinds of things you describe, not just those who stay at home.

Your last paragraph ignores the fact that there are many, many people who manage to parent while working full time. If your “gold” resume lands in front of one of them, you’ll be laughed at heartily while being denied interviews.

What, you mean that a .50 caliber pistol round, designed to be primarily used for hunting very big game or punching through substantial body-armour and still injuring or killing the target in warfare, wouldn’t be stopped by a fucking book?

I would have gone with“Boaty McBoatface” as the pup’s name.

Well, I, for one wish them the best of luck! Both of them are a catch.

Huh? Jon Hamm was with Jennifer Westfeldt for 18 years up until a couple of years ago. She’s 47. Who else has he been linked to? Also, I’m 33 and would totally date someone in their mid 40s.

You’re telling me that a woman who makes millions of dollars a year from her iPhone apps can only pay the woman carrying her child a measly $4,000 if she loses her reproductive organs?!

Counterpoint: I like Jonah Hill. I like him portly, I like him more slender and muscular. I like him. If you haven’t seen him in Hail, Caesar, I recommend it. I mean, I recommend it in general: Clooney, Tatum, Johanssen, Swinton, but Jonah Hill has a small but significant part that he plays beautifully!

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say ol’ Dani hasn’t learned a thing here.

Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?

I think he’s an alien in a skin suit. That’s why he’s “fascinated” by his human female companion.

Perhaps my outrage meter is improperly calibrated. I thought the joke was that Amal is an amazing super hero and she handled the birth like a champ and George - not a strong amazing woman - is a basket case.

The White Stripes were a married couple, not siblings. That was Jack White’s weird early press spin.

Fletcher also indicted the notoriously liberal city of Portland for having a “white savior complex” (a problem with a lot of progressives), which lets them ignore the teens being targeted in favor of the white men who intervened. He then included a link to a fundraising page for the girls and encouraged viewers to

Olivia, please use more actual medical treatment and less alternative medicine horseshit.