
A few things:

I love the all natural crowd! You know what else is all natural? Small pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, tuberculosis.

I love Kevin Smith for his stories. My favorite is his Prince story.

I remember he sent a cake to his daughter with the words “Sorry men suck” on it.

And on the other side, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself when you’re fat and being told you’ll “die any moment” despite there being nothing physically wrong with you! Doctors are too keen to rely on lazy diagnostics (like weight) rather than evidence of illness IMO. Case in point: I’m obese and every time I

He had one of the best responses to the Weinstein fallout last year. He’s not just a good guy, he’s a moral guy. So glad he is OK after this.


I love him so much. He’s about the only celebrity I would truly be excited to meet. He seems like such a kind dude and he’s an amazing storyteller. His movies aren’t always that great (I’ll love Chasing Amy forever, even if it hasn’t aged well in some ways). I really hope we keep him a lot longer!

An independent theatre in Vancouver was up for sale, and Kevin Smith performed a show there to help the staff raise enough money to buy the place. When the show sold out quickly, he volunteered to do a second the same night. He’s a good guy.

You aren’t alone. I would date him if we both weren’t married.

I unabashedly love him.

I’ve always kinda liked Kevin Smith. He seems like an aight dude. Also, I think he’s kinda cute too. THERE I said it. Get better soon, Kevin!

It’s a little thing, but I’ve always appreciated that he outright refuses to use the “A Film By” credit on his movies. He’s talked about how he think’s its incredibly insulting to everyone else who works on movies.

He’s one of the very few dudes in that industry that you’ll never hear a bad word about. One of the very few that came from nothing, is entirely self made, and is known for treating the help (and strangers, like say restaurant servers) very kindly. I’ve never been a fan of his movies either, but as a human being he’s

We were laughing our collective asses off in a haze of ganja smoke at Jay and Silent Bob a decade before any online hate even existed.

Yeah, people like to bash him here on Jezebel, but he was one of the first modern male directors to acknowledge that men were hypocritical assholes for judging women’s sexuality.

That was Track (eldest son, also divorced) attacking Todd (Former First Dude).

Nothing smashes the patriarchy like celebrating a custom of a patriarchal religion meant to dehumanize and control women.

A very astute assessment. The woman’s basically a delusional neo-Nazi. Her husband, Bernard d’Ormale, was an adviser to the far-right Front National.

My mother met her several times when she was living in Paris, maintaining that (and I quote) “that woman’s stupidity is flabbergasting, and she’s an awful person”.