
It would be North Notflorida.

Ok. Ok. Oi. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

I went to see a screening of the second Boondock Saints film (for all its deep and obvious flaws, I have an abiding fondness for the original, entirely because of the gorgeous men and all the homoeroticism) that included a panel discussion with Troy Duffy and a few of the actors afterward. The move was so awful I

It was a typical night out at the bars in Minneapolis & was having a great time talking to a really nice guy. In the middle of a sentence, Josh Hartnett bounds up to the guy and drags him away while shouting, “No. Beer googles, dude. No. Beer goggles. Beer goggles. No. No. No. No. Take off your beer goggles. No. No.

That’s it - China has WON.

I’ll just leave this here

Mr. Von Black is a Kiwi, and we are considering relocating there. Trust me when I say one needs to do the research and have the right papers in order to bring their furry compatriots (Hugo Chavez The Red Menace, Cardinal Fang and Steve, in our case...), or you will end up with a quarantined animal, tons of fees, or

So I *like* Natalie Portman, what is your beef Kate?

Hey, wait, I LIKE Nathalie Portman!

Yeah I’m confused. She’s a strong actress, and a super smart, all around badass human. What’s the issue?

Why are we shitting on Natalie Portman all of a sudden? Is it because she said that relatively innocuous thing about not wanting her son to care too much about shiny gold things? Star Wars? It’s not her fault George Lucas turns all of his actors into cardboard cutouts. I love Natalie! Though I will admit romantic

I can’t keep up with which women we hate for no real reason these days.

I feel like the real criticism here would be that the world doesn’t need another Jackie biopic, but sure, let’s bash Natalie instead.

I asked myself the same question! Do we hate Nathalie Portman now?

It was always thus; thus it will always be.

So we hate Natalie Portman now? It's so hard to keep up

“Sorta makes one yearn for the quiet days when Portman was hanging with her hottie dancer husband and recovering from gestating both her first Oscar and a child, doesn’t it?”

A hairdresser is always going to be able to tell.

Good for Jennifer. The media focus on her not having children is sexist in the extreme and I'm so glad she said something.