
Listen, I've heard En Vogue's "Free Your Mind," too. You're not going to educate me on the minority experience in America any more than my life already has. There's a massive difference between flustered, furious and crazy. As a person of color, a "plus size" person, and a gay person I'm very familiar with what

Hell to the fucking no. I don't need to see anyone fucking in a public area, door open or not. Fuck that. Pun intended.

A family gets a visit from a big political figure from DC. The mother asks him if he wants to see their act, the political figure says sure. The eldest daughter starts screaming about how pre-marital sex is evil when she is pregnant and unmarried, the youngest daughter is screaming homophobic slurs, mother talks about

It seems like you haven't exactly done your research on Ms Gadot, who was an Israeli soldier, motorcycle aficionado, and all around badass herself.

Fuck. Unfortunately for lots of old punk kids, I think if we started scratching punk's surface we'd find all sorts of horrible things.

You thought "@amandabynes: My dad never did any of those things The microchip in my brain made me say those things but he's the one that ordered them to microchip me" was a coherent tweet?

He shouldn't be welcomed with open arms back into the fashion industry = he should die?

One of the kooky things we Jewish people are taught, something we are encouraged to embrace and implement in our lives, is that transgressions always have the potential to be forgiven. We ask God to forgive us when we screw up and we pledge to forgive others. (I know this is not unique.) So.....I dunno. I still

Potato ricer! Best thing for making mashed potatoes or gnocchi!

That'll learn you to get all highfalutin with your existential references.

At a certain point, you have to take personal responsibility into account.

mazel tov and i want them to last forever and ever :))

I strongly disagree. Humans do not have an unqualified right to go anywhere they want. This is a very postmodern, irrational stance. Some parents are quite terrible at determining what is an appropriate venue for infants, to the detriment of those infants as well as the adults around them. Quite frankly, there are

Where were Brad and Angelina? The tabloids have led me to believe they are besties and I will be sad if they weren't there.

It is kind of assy to take a baby to a formal, staged event. Kim and Kanye must think they are above common decency. For people who front like they are all about high fashion, a move like that seems pretty disrespectful of the designers and stagers, not to mention the audience.


I think for a lot of middle-aged women, this truly is a breath of fresh air. A lot of my friends who are in their late 30s to 40s feel as though they have become completely invisible. The visibility of women who are not 26 and younger is important to some of us, and so I'm actually happy that this fashion designer

How old is Siri, anyway?

I LOVE P Tracker. It confirmed my suspicion that my cycle is just messing with me with its inconsistency. Now I have proof. Soon, I will have enough proof to sue it in civil court.