
I am really onboard Harry and Meghan being the king and queen instead of William and Kate. They just seem like they would have more fun with it. I am picturing that episode of friends after Ross and Rachel get wasted in Vegas and get married and they are all “helllo! Mr. Rachel!”

He is so damn old, I don’t think infertility science was that advanced. They just assumed it would be fine, or else they would have to burn the couple at the stake.

keep going with that I love it

I think he has mellowed on that over the years too. Get this though- they have the same birthday!

I see what you did there, and I approve.

I remember when Ike finally died (and hopefully went straight to the bowels of hell if such a thing exists.) I was in New York. The headline of the New York Post read thusly: “Ike Turner “Beats” Tina to Death”. It made me physically ill. No wonder Tina fled to France so long ago.

I am also embarrassed of my sister, who is most definitely a hoochie.

I can’t believe they didn’t even try another Undercover Boss sketch. I watched all the way through to see if they would. Unless I missed it, because I did doze off.

Wapner sure as hell would not have put up with that insufferable douche.

Not Sally Ride. Probably Krista MacAuliffe, the civilian teacher that died in the disaster.

They remind me of Dyeables that we all got for prom in the ‘80s. Her feet are going to reeeeeeeeek later after dancing all night.

I hate the part about him “taking out a wipe and wiping off her makeup” to see the real her. That did not happen. I do not believe that Lady Gaga, of all people, would just stand there and let him wipe off her face with makeup wipes that he just happened to have in the room. SHUT UP. It’s fine to just promote your

I have avoided La La Land. I meant to watch it, then lost interest after the Oscar Debacle. And I was kind of mad for no reason that Emma Stone got Best Actress for it, even though I did not see the movie, or any of the other movies, and pretty much like Emma Stone just fine. Sort of fits right in with this theme.

That’s the thing- what if it’s really that good and deserves all the awards? I can’t a face life of being such an asshole about this.

That’s what I’m saying! Everything about this movie makes me want to hate it. I hate ‘modern day’ remakes. Not the biggest fan of Lady Gaga, or Bradley Cooper. But they both have made me begrudgingly like their work before. Maybe that’s why it seems this movie is actually good, because probably they are actually good

I still really want to hate this movie. I can’t explain it. It makes me feel bad about myself, how much I want to hate this. 

That fucker is not going to die in prison. He will serve a year or so, get released, then go back to his comfortable life until he finally dies in his 90s, hopefully alone. Denying everything until his dying breath.

Starbucks and McDonald’s always get shaded in these types of stories, and it’s unfair. It seems they are the go-to for defining the most absolute basic ground zero of coffee and fast food. 

Good for Steve-o, glad he is sober, but now it makes even less sense that he risks his life in these crazyass jackass stunts. 

This Carrie Underwood thing is shady as hell. I can’t help thinking the lady doth protest too much, and as a result I believe not one word of what she is trying to sell.