
Cats is terrible and will fail as a movie that people are expected to pay money for, with or without Taylor Swift and Jennifer Hudson, and certainly without Ms. Betty Buckley, but it would be amazing as a Live on NBC musical, for the tweet-a-long factor alone. I actually can’t think of a better musical to give that

I didn’t even know I needed this, and now it is all I can think of.

But I couldn’t calm down, and I was equally frustrated that I couldn’t stop my feelings and that I was feeling so overwhelmed.-    This is exactly it. 

This is fucking crazy. Most 4 year olds can’t deal with a different brand of peanut butter when they go to their grandma’s house. And that dick thinks they can understand immigration law? I cannot believe this is happening. Stop the world I want to get off.

“There’s apparently some cat food waiting for it on the roof if it decides to go all the way up there, but it’s probably not going to know that unless it checks Twitter. Has anyone in St. Paul tried tossing their phone up to the 22nd floor?”

The thing they are missing is that the acting on this is pretty bad, apart from John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf, who are too good for this shit and both seemed like they were only doing it as a favor anyway. DJ and Becky haven’t really acted since they were kids and it shows. Darlene is marginally better, but still

This is my favorite headline of all time. You go, Mariah. For some reason the fact that she only got 2.1 million for it makes me even more in awe of her. Like, I’m sure if she waited a little longer she could have gotten more than that, but she just wanted to get rid of it, she don’t curr about a couple more million.

I read that as “John Mayer is Back Baby, Ew”

I stayed up to watch Jason Bateman on Colbert last night, because I thought I loved him. I am so sad to say I have fallen out of love with him, based on this article, and also his interview on Colbert last night. Did anyone else see it? He was telling a story about his friendship with Will Arnett, where he repeatedly

The only advice that ever truly got me through that was “This too shall pass”. But I did have some luck with The Baby Whisperer book, by Tracy Hogg, which advocates a system that revolves in 4 hour intervals guided by the acronym EASY- Eat, Activity, Sleep, You! So basically, you feed the baby, play with it, put it

You would make a very good publicist. Excellent, succinct response. I wish there were more of you.

I love stories about Keanu out on the wild! I once stood in line behind him and his friends to buy Grateful Dead tickets in Chicago, in 1993. It was a situation where you had to get a wristband, and then come back the next day at a time and they drew numbers for line position (ask your parents, kids). He got the last

I love the mix of normal kids and royal kids, because kids that young might not know yet that they are so fucking rich while others are not and they can all raise hell together on the dance floor. It will be fun when George is king in 60 years and all those L.A. kids can be all “I know him!”

Woody Allen is actually not a member of this club. I wonder about the others, but am too lazy to look them up. Just winning an Oscar doesn’t automatically put you in the club

Girl, run. You do not have to go to those. Just say no, across the board, to all of them, and say “I just have to say no to everyone, because I can’t possibly support all of these. Good luck!”. And don’t look back.

Prom in the early 90s was dresses from Gantos, dyeable shoes, and reminding your date to get you a corsage and letting him know what color your dress is so it matches. And garters with charms- do people still do that? It’s dumb if they do. My sister did my hair and makeup, we all did our own nails (manicures/pedicures

And, it was pretty clear that she was suffering from either a pill addiction or mental illness or a combination of the two and that the shoplifting was a cry for help. She never victimized anyone else.

I sometimes doze on the couch and wake up to catch Seth’s opening monologue. I think he is fantastic. I find that in my advancing age (43) I no longer care at all who the guests are on any of these shows and am usually irritated by the small talk and dumb stories that are clearly rehearsed. I miss David Letterman. But

In this case, she took on a role that was originated by Joan Allen. Not even close.